Evil Slave

by Marvin Shilmer 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Lost, Christ set up a christian community, all based on love and kindness, in his parrable involving the evil slave, we must remember that the slave was put incharge of "HIS" house, the house he established, ie" christian freedom" the freedom of having to seek a priests forgivenese through animal sacrifice, and whatever a priest would do on your behalf. He also set us free from having leaders tell us how to live our lives, how far up our arms we must wash before eating a meal. He also did a way with the entire law code, a code that truly had become burdensome to everyone.

    He set things anew, left his disciples in charge and returned to heaven. At pentecost poured out holy spirit and things were great for the Christians. Not much longer, and it lasted for 20 years was the circumcision issue , look at who was taking the lead in that issue! it was the Jewish religious leaders who had lost so much controll over the Jews. They said " Unless you get circumcised, you cant get saved" sound familiar? "Unless you get baptised, you cant get saved" it's all about controll, controlling Christs household!!!! Christ was the Faithful slave and so were his disciples, apostacy crept in, (after the apostales died) and now the household is abandoned to the evil slave.

    Men are inperfect and will fail, Christs sacrifice covers this, but, not those who were left in charge.

    Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever ) It's getting late, please forgive any spelling errors.

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    They've out-bizarre'd themselves with this one. But, it is the WTS so no surprise.

    So, who would determine if the slave was acting unfaithfully and thus as an evil slave? In the parable it's the master. So this seems to swing the door wide open to the idea that the WTS indeed could be acting as an evil slave and will be dealt with severely upon the master's return. But of course while the master is away the evil slave would tell the master's belongings that he is acting faithfully, but saying that wouldn't make it so.

    God this is weird!
  • minimus

    After reading this, I understand that they are saying, since the FDS HAS been faithful, all is good. If they ever did turn bad, (which the Slave never would), then they would be evil, but since they are faithful, there really is no evil slave.

  • *lost*

    BOH - yes.

    Gosh yes,that is the understanding I had, But then reading the scriptures, well, lol, I get so confused with it all sometimes, trying to nail it down. Excellent comment, has brought me right back around full circle, lol.

    Sent you a pm too - hi to NE

    much love

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