(1) Many (most?) of us were not "thrown-out"
we just had an epiphany (awakening, sudden realization,
realization, insight ) and saw the Watchtower is not
what it claims to be.
(2) "Remain a Chistian" You say you want to
remain a Christian ? You are NOT a Christian.
WHY NOT ? Because: You accept the governing body's claim
they are the "sole channel of communication
between man and God" that means you look to
the falsely created 8 man team as a source
of "special knowledge" and allow these men to
ursurp the position of Christ as the "Mediator"
- that makes you an idolater, not a Christian.
(3) No "Organization" is required to be a Christian.
The term Christian comes from the word Christ
which in Hebrew is Messiah. Christian means you
accept the idea that the Hebrew Messiah
came from heaven to earth, was God's son,
died and was resurrected and now sits at the right
hand of God in heaven and you pray in the name
of Jesus and he and his father and holy spirit dwell in you.
(4) Christian also means you believe Jesus is the only name
you can access God, everlasting life and life after death in any form.
(5) Christian means you are part of the Body of Christ,
which is mystical union. The Body of Christ is a spiritual union,
a priesthood of all believers. No "classes".
No divisions, no leaders, no organization,
no magazines that officiate for Christ.
Therefore since none of the above applies to Jehovah's Witnesses,
you are NOT a Christian. The Watchtower cannot save you,
does not give you "special knowledge", speaks lies, not truth,
leads you into spiritual darkeness, which is why you find so
many here completely without faith at all or belief
in God, because the Watchtower was not giving them
"spiritual food" it was giving them the idea they are
better than other people, superior,"special" because of
"special knowledge" when in fact they are not.
The Watchtower is creating spiritual DEATH.