Forgive me if I am addressing something other than what you are discussing, LV and Fernando... but think of the churches in Revelation as the church = body... of Christ. So the words were to the Body of Christ (the people) who were IN all those different physical places. And yes, the Body gathered together as they could. They were one church/one body... but just in different physical places. Later Peter also addresses those who are scattered about different places. Of course, I am reminded that the admonition 'do not forsake the gathering of ourselves' (the gathering of the body)... as meaning do not forsake the gathering of others TO the Body of Christ. Not just meeting together, though this is done as well.
My Lord has also reminded me to share that gathering/meeting together... as the Body/church... is not the problem. The problem comes when people take their focus OFF Christ... so that one looks AWAY from HIM; hence away from the Truth... and teaches others to do the same, placing their gaze instead upon something else. They are then gathered in their own name, and not His. (though they might argue otherwise) Then those gathered together are looking at men, traditions, doctrines, images, buildings, rules, idols; all the same things that the previous system of worship had done, just dressed up under a new name. Those are all things people can see... rather than faith and Spirit. Those are things that are worshipping by sight... rather than in spirit and Truth. Those are things that make the church... into just a building.
The Body does not point to itself or to anything or anyone... other than to Christ, as the Truth and the Life, and the one to whom you should turn.
One lie might seem to be less harmful than another lie... but it is still a lie. If you are looking for the Truth - whether it is the answer that you want to hear or not - then Christ is the one to WHOM you must go. (as Fernando and Julia and others - forgive me for forgetting who else, have already so eloquently stated) Then HE can lead you to His Body, or to whomever/wherever He wants you to be. Seek Him and the Kingdom first... then the rest shall be given to you.
Peace to all,