Where else to go.I sticking up for the WTS.

by joe134cd 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • joe134cd

    Julia/chicken little = I actually went to a Pentecostal church last Sunday before I attended the K/Hall in the afternoon. I spoke to the pastor there (he was actually quite a nice guy and very understanding) and he said the exact same thing. Follow Jesus and show love to your fellow man. But what bothered me is if I left the WT i'm pretty sure I would start seeing the faults there as well. It's a bit like quitting a job as a Plasterer because of a sore shoulder to take up carpet laying and then getting sore knees then changing that job to be a car painter and getting inflamed lungs. Did I really solve the problem or just shift it around.

    BOHM=I realise to STFU or they will kick my ass out. That is why I am trying to build bridges up as the old ones crumble behind me. I am also on here as we'll for the same purpose.I have to start planning now so I can make an easy transition, if when I decide the time is right.

  • zeb

    and where does covering up for paedophiles come in?

  • cofty
    And the answer I don't want to hear is. They are all the same and don't go to church.

    Facts are facts reagardless of whether or not you want to hear them.

  • jwfacts

    And the answer I don't want to hear is. They are all the same and don't go to church.

    Actually, that is virtually the answer you already gave. Catholics and JWs harbour pedophiles. Mormons and JWs have unscientific teachings. All religions are imperfect. The difference that most people see is that the Watcthower is damaging because it is high control, so you could do better with other religions that provide the same support without the manipulation.

    But if you don't mind the lies and have family in it, then it is up to you whether leaving is the right move or not.

  • unstopableravens

    sorry dude but thats not the case, heres a list of churches i would def not go to, jws,mormons, catholic, episicapal, pentacoastal,church of christ(armstrong),lutheran,most preystpatian(sp), most methodist, however i have gone to alot of churches that do hold to sound doctrine , and i just found a church that is really good its reformed non denmonaition/baptist. the wts is apostate not because of its mistakes but because they deny salvational doctrine 1) they you must be born again(john 3:1-7) 2) the bodily resurrection(john 2:18-21) and 3) that is not an angel and that he is god(john 8:24)(exodus 3:14)(john 20:28). any church that denys this wrong. salvation is in jesus alone not is religion(john 14:6)(john 5:39,40). and when a person who is not in church goes to jesus than you want to find a church who is teaching truth, not for salvation but to worship. only christ has life to give peter knew this "whom" (john 6:68). the wts lies to its ppl.!!

  • DesirousOfChange

    But if I was to go to another church wouldn't they still have the same issues.

    In one word: YES.

    The people active in the other churches are mostly good, sincere people. (As is true of most JWs.)

    True, some of their members (active or fringe) will NOT be good sincere people and will be toxic associates. (As is true of some JWs.)

    Likely they are involved with that particular religion because it is the religion of their parents. (As is true of most JWs.)

    Without doubt, they will have some doctrines/teachings/policies with which many or most people, and even some of their own members, disagree. (As is true of JWs.)

    Although some have become more ecumenical and accepting of all "Christianity", most religions will claim to be the only path to salvation. (As is true of JWs.)

    IF you are OK with the majority of the doctrines and policies of the JW Organization and you are unaffected by the policies that many see as harmful (critical view of higher education; no blood transfusions - even to death; DF/shunning - even of family members; absolute ban against homosexuality & pre-marital sex; ban on divorce for reasons other than adultery; questionable policy on handling reports of child abuse; -- I'm sure there are others)...........

    THEN you are probably OK finding fellowship within the JW Community, although some Congregations are more toxic and damaging (based on the dynamics of the members, so you may have to pick & choose where to attend).

    Overall, I think JWs offer a reasonably good, moral social network of friends and associates (tho many would label them as "conditional friends" -- but that's somewhat true amongst any social group).

    They freely make available volumes of (mostly) upbuilding, (mostly) Biblically themed (but with their spin or interpretation) reading & study materials that encourage good, moral lifestyles and a healthy way of living. You can swallow it all, or dine ala carte (just don't complain or speak against the cook or the food).

    And, yes, you are correct that many here just simply do not or cannot fit into that mold. And, yes, many of us here are ANGRY about the damage we or our family members have suffered because of the harmful policies. Or, many have been affected adversely by the Organizational poltics of the group (but that is likely a factor in most social groups).

    Do what is good for you and your family, regardless of what others may think is best for you. Only you know your personaly situation.

    Your mileage may vary.


  • notjustyet

    Religion creates problems and then offers to sell you the answers to those problems.

    What person says " I have to be raped by someone, so I might as well choose the least ugly one"

    You don't have to submit to a rape at all, you just THINK you do.


  • brainmelt

    You can be a Christian and follow the teachings of Christ without attending any particular church. I've read a piece of advice on this forum several times and its good advice and that's just to take your time. You don't have to leave the WT and jump straight into another church. Just take your time to figure out what you believe, what your priorities are and go from there. Personally, I think there are problems in all churches/religions and I could never see myself joining another one, I want a long break from it all but we are all different. Just take your time, you'll figure it out.

  • Terry

    Think of this question you have a different way from a completely unbiased angle.

    Why do you need people with personal opinions controlling your life?

    Why not develop your own personal opinions?

    You can say you are guided by holy spirit or even Santa Claus, if you like, it has no impact on the

    fact that opinion is opinion.

    The sad fact remains which most of us fought hard in our mind to overcome: CLAIMING to have God's direction is as easy for one person to do as for another and this is what the history of the Watchtower Society clearly reveals.

    Does Jehovah need a fan club?

  • Badfish

    If you really want to follow in Jesus' footsteps just imitate what he did. He knew right from wrong. He didn't need any other humans to tell him how to live, what choices to make, even though they claimed to be God's chosen group on earth. He lived his life the way he knew to be right, and so can you.

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