But if I was to go to another church wouldn't they still have the same issues.
In one word: YES.
The people active in the other churches are mostly good, sincere people. (As is true of most JWs.)
True, some of their members (active or fringe) will NOT be good sincere people and will be toxic associates. (As is true of some JWs.)
Likely they are involved with that particular religion because it is the religion of their parents. (As is true of most JWs.)
Without doubt, they will have some doctrines/teachings/policies with which many or most people, and even some of their own members, disagree. (As is true of JWs.)
Although some have become more ecumenical and accepting of all "Christianity", most religions will claim to be the only path to salvation. (As is true of JWs.)
IF you are OK with the majority of the doctrines and policies of the JW Organization and you are unaffected by the policies that many see as harmful (critical view of higher education; no blood transfusions - even to death; DF/shunning - even of family members; absolute ban against homosexuality & pre-marital sex; ban on divorce for reasons other than adultery; questionable policy on handling reports of child abuse; -- I'm sure there are others)...........
THEN you are probably OK finding fellowship within the JW Community, although some Congregations are more toxic and damaging (based on the dynamics of the members, so you may have to pick & choose where to attend).
Overall, I think JWs offer a reasonably good, moral social network of friends and associates (tho many would label them as "conditional friends" -- but that's somewhat true amongst any social group).
They freely make available volumes of (mostly) upbuilding, (mostly) Biblically themed (but with their spin or interpretation) reading & study materials that encourage good, moral lifestyles and a healthy way of living. You can swallow it all, or dine ala carte (just don't complain or speak against the cook or the food).
And, yes, you are correct that many here just simply do not or cannot fit into that mold. And, yes, many of us here are ANGRY about the damage we or our family members have suffered because of the harmful policies. Or, many have been affected adversely by the Organizational poltics of the group (but that is likely a factor in most social groups).
Do what is good for you and your family, regardless of what others may think is best for you. Only you know your personaly situation.
Your mileage may vary.