The GB trying to fit scripture retrospectively into their current situation is like the 8 ugly sisters trying to squeeze into a beautiful glass slipper, with all the ugly excess flesh hanging out the sides....
Lot's of talk on the July Watchtower?
by noonehome 55 Replies latest jw friends
he never reads the study WT until the week of the actual WT study so it will be September before he looks at it.
I think this will be the norm. "Apostates" are more excited to get the latest literature than JWs are.
wha happened?
true X. Most of the changes seem to interest the x JW's more than the active ones. The mags don't impress much though. When I do speak with dubs, they quote their friend, BIL, elder, COBE, and CO, with statements they made. But rarely the WT.
There were a few frustrated elders in a car group I was in the other day, outwardly annoyed that the Sheep get to read the upcoming articles at the same time they do! "We should have access first, especially with big changes, so we can answer the friend's questions!" My elders are not getting used to the idea that earth shattering new light is just spewed on the on Internet for any R&F to read. It's insulting that they don't get it in a letter first!
They are the same elders that were annoyed that the annual meeting contained new light that the body couldn't explain. They had to keep saying, "wait for it come out in print." And now that it has, everyone gets to see it at the same time. Those retired old ladies with their IPads checking the site twice a day for new stuff just pisses off the elder body!
Splash, I stand corrected must have been "Blinded By The Light
BroMac, don't sweat it, it's become too hard to keep on top of all the changes pouring out of Brooklyn these days.
By the end of this year the dubs will all be believing different things anyway.
• “The domestics include both the anointed and the other sheep, not just the anointed. The appointment was in 1919.”
• “The appointment over ‘all the belongings’ is when the Governing Body arrive in heaven, and after the start of the great tribulation.”
From this, as I see it, it seems that the Governing Body are now giving themselves a “get-out-of-trouble-free card”: the domestics (anointed and other sheep) are the ones who can be scrutinized because they are the ones who have been around (“appointed”) since 1919 to be able to be scrutinized; however, the Governing Body hasn’t even been formally “appointed,” and won’t be, until after they arrive in heaven, and after the start of the great tribulation.
So, what this means is that they can’t be scrutinized or held accountable by anyone here on earth until then because, well, they haven’t actually been “appointed” yet. (I guess they’re just still “in training” now.) And, after they do (supposedly, of course) arrive in heaven, then nobody of us still here on earth would be able to scrutinize them at that time either because, well, they’re in heaven! (A little hard for us down here to take them to task, or call them to account, when they have gone up to heaven, now is it.)
Well, when you think of it, isn’t that just great for that super-duper “Group of Eight” Governing Body. According to the above, well, they can just say whatever the fu[dge] they damn well want and they don’t have to worry about a thing – they’ll all be GONE from this earth before they “officially” take their “appointed” position. The only ones who can receive a finger-pointing for anything (e.g., having been over-zealous about 1975, questioning/connecting the dots about old light, or indulging in mischievous “speculations,” etc.) are . . . . at least while we are/were still legitimately affiliated with the organization . . . . all of us! Don’t forget, all the anointed and other sheep have been formally “on the job” / “stationed at their post” as such since 1919. The domestics better watch it!
here it is all in a nut shell, the GB must see themselves as kings ruling with christ since they believe Jesus started his kingdom in 1914, all of the new testament bible was written just for the anointed. The great crowd is nothing but a buch of loosers here to help them, that why Rutherford called us Jonandabs origanally and we could not partake of the emblems, get baptized or even attend the memorial celebration. With this understanding started by Rutherford they now see themselves as our leaders and we have to follow them loyaly in order to get access to the kingdom since Jesus is not our mediator (just thiers) and the new covenant is only for them.
This new magazine is more of that just slapping everyone in the face with thier exalted selves. Trying to get even more loyalty out of the rank and file as were approaching the 100 years of then 1914 lie. They really do look like the 'man of lawlessness'
Whats really sick, is because the rank and file are so stupid, most do not understand any of this and are commiting Idolitry.
- “The appointment over ‘all the belongings’ is when the Governing Body arrive in heaven, and after the start of the great tribulation.”
Wait? Who said this?
Did the Watchtower actually say that?
It just seems to crazy to think that the Governing Body members are saying they're going to be appointed over all belongings of Jesus in heaven. That's just plain weird.
The big mistake ex-JWs make is assuming that the "new light" matters as much to currently active JWs as it matters to ex-JWs. It does not matter to them at all - which means, save a hard core of zealous witnesses, it will not generate much spontaneous talk among the rank and file.