It may take a child - just a child to say something above the din of adult oohs and ahhhs of GB worship- to say out loud what the July Watchtower really is: "The emperor's got no clotheson".
Lot's of talk on the July Watchtower?
by noonehome 55 Replies latest jw friends
I've been avoiding any unnecessary conversations as part of my fade, but the JWs that I've talked to about this are either a) completely unaware of the changes or b) really excited about how clear the explanations are. So frustrating. Sad thing is that I recognize that was me for the past couple decades- e.g., I couldn't have cared less about the overlapping generations. Didn't make sense, didn't understand it, but I didn't care either, because it's all the "truth" and who am I to question it?
A JW can remain in the doubting state for their entire life, or they can wake up at some point. It usually takes an emotional event of some sort to push them through the cognitive dissonance and start acting on their concerns.
This is so true. I believe that nearly all JWs would have doubts about some things. The problem is the cognitive dissonance is so strong, and they are stuck in the constant cycle of meetings , study, field service, conventions, assembly's, special talks, CO visits and so on, they can never get off the treadmill.
The have been taught that information critical of Gods Organization is Satanic. JWs will not scrutinize their religion out of fear of death at Armageddon. It is the mind control that keeps millions of good people trapped in this religion.
And the worst part is, it actually all crumbles pretty quickly once you put the religion under scrutiny. The latest Watchtower on the FDS is a prime example. The leaps in logic are ridiculous, yet the R&F will accept it as directly from God.
I've disscussed this WT with a few and they seem totally underwhelmed. It seems that your regular JW knows that the Org just makes it up as they go along but they dont really care as they just want to keep on until the end. These people are already allowing the GB to run their lives. This change is exciting to uberdubs as they can waffle on at length to the average dumb dub about it but your average JW isnt all that interested.
From what I've heard the sheeples think it is truly wondrous how Jehovah is leading the borg.
Some are soooooo EXCITED!!!!
But totally bonkers
zed is dead
Cognitive dissonance in action. They are saying the right things, trying to convince themselves. In reality, they are thinking: WTF?!
I asked my Dad about this today. "If Russel pictures John the Baptist as the foundation for Christ's coming, whom do the GB picture?" He answered Jesus! I was gobsmacked that he answered the way he did. My follow up question to him was "and what do they say they are with regard to communicating with Jehovah?" His answer "the sole channel" Me "Do you think they are taking the place of Christ as mediator for all men?" Him - no answer, eyes going cloudy, staring into the distance. This cognitive dissonance thing is a very powerful enemy...
breakfast of champions
Nothing, so far.
I printed the mag out and told my wife to read it before I discuss anything about it with her. So far, she hasn't read it, and I think she doesn't want to because she's afraid she will come to the realization that it really is all just bullshit. It's almost like she thinks its apostate literature or something!
Here is a summary of the changes.
Faithful SlaveThe Faithful Slave is only the Governing Body, not all the Anointed, and only when acting as a composite group.
Evil Slave
The Evil Slave can only be one of the Governing Body, if they start mistreating the brothers.
The domestics include both the anointed and the other sheep, not just the anointed. The appointment was in 1919.
All the Belongings
The appointment over "all the belongings" is when the Governing Body arrive in heaven, and after the start of the great tribulation. (See pp.8,22)Isn't there another one, that the inspection now occurred in 1914 as opposed to 1919?
Evil Slave
The Evil Slave can only be one of the Governing Body, if they start mistreating the brothers.
^^^ You gotta be kidding me? With this, they have made Ray Franz "The Evil Slave" post-humuously. Anyone quoting, talking, reading, or even thinking similar to Ray Franz's books is now dining at the table of "The Evil Slave", and up for automatic DF'ing. This is incredible. They waited until he died, then gave him the Ultimate Shaft. Incredible, just incredible!!!!1914, 1918, 1919, mean NOTHING now. The Governing Body OverLords are now the end-all, be-all Masters of your faith; Jesus has been kicked to the curb, to the sidelines. He's 3rd-string quarterback at best, given lip service for a few minutues at The Memorial before being passed up to talk about how wonderful the F&DS is.
This is just plain down Evil Cult sh*t right.......EVIL CULT.
- Wing Commander