I should begin by screaming the word: NO!
Keeping secret your identity while posting in a public forum is like removing your pubic hair with a blowtorch.
Which is to say, theoretically possible but not at all feasible!
if you are "fading" or merely a troubled JW in good standing who is curious what is the exact nature of the RISK?
The list would be endless. The bottom line is that the actual danger comes from how you would be TREATED by those who claim to LOVE you!!
Astounding, isn't it? Your enemies are your friends. Your enemies are your family. Your enemies are your religious shepherds!
They just don't know it yet.
All that stands between you and peace of mind is the COST of thinking REAL thoughts which are true OUT LOUD and in public.
A terrible cost has been set on Freedom of Conscience!
That should amaze everybody.
We live in a Free Society but many of us exist in some Dark Ages with the long shadow of the INQUISITION looming over us.
That should not even be possible to imagine---and yet, it is no secret.
If this were the 16th century and someone in our community were accused and identified as a WITCH---a wave of fear would sweep away
any thought of doubt or pity for the person under suspicion! The onus of SATAN and the damned has been pounded into everybody's head to
overly sensitize us to the abomination of blasphemous treachery among our very closest neighbor!
And yet--we are in a far different century! These are well-informed times of enlightenment. Or--are they?
It is really the same as the Dark Ages.
None of us can risk practising Witchcraft anonymously and imagine we can escape detection, accusation and outing!!
Yes, that is what being anonymous is all about as a fading or lurking Witness--it is identical to practising WITCHCRAFT in the mind
of the hypersensitive superstitious twits in the abusive religion of Jehovah's Witnesses!
We are constantly leaving data sensitive DNA trails everywhere we go on the Internet!
Once you send an e-mail the party receiving it is INFECTED by your identity. (An effective way of thinking about it.)
Think of your own true identity as a VENEREAL DISEASE you are spreading and you may be shocked by how promiscuously you behave
by e-mailing, chatting, Personal Messaging, Skyping, entering a data base, texting and phoning somebody in the context of "forbidden thoughts and practices!"
Those records can be hacked, compromised, copied, distributed in the wink of an eye WITHOUT ANYBODY INTENDING YOU HARM!
You may as well be sending Voodoo dolls with your name stitched across the back!
If you are a lurker with an identity to hide...
If you are an active Jehovah's Witness with watchful eyes sniffing you out for your curiousity...
If you are a fader....
If you are in the middle of a lawsuit......
I want you to get a 4x5 notecard and Magic Marker and write these words on it and attach it to the middle of your computer screen:
Don't kid yourself. Be ready for what comes.
Because...it IS coming.....and it is coming for YOU!
Be ready....be prepared....BEWARE!