WT SHUNNING POLICY: What has it done, or could it do to you?

by flipper 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • label licker
    label licker

    I was publically reproved for discouraging the young ones(all five accusers were relatives of the guy the elders were covering up) from pioneering five years ago. Everyone in the congregation were told not to talk to me. They df'd hubby because he told them they were the great whore of Babylon the Great when they were sitting at the end of our lane for three hours the one morning stalking us. These elders are now going to be feeling exactly what they made us feel. Each and every one of their neighbors have been called and told what these elders are capable of and what to expect when hating their neighbor. I'm sure there are elder meetings going on now. Now they have a reason to tell their followers not to talk to us just like we had a reason to telling their neighbors why they should be careful and know who really is their neighbor. See how they like the silent treatment:) The only difference is we didn't have to make up lies to get people to hate us. They did.

    If more would do this, I am sure the elders would tread lightly since these guys never would preach in their own neighbourhood. They weren't afraid of telling others to do their neighbourhood territory because they couldn't.

  • flipper

    LABEL LICKER- Wow. What an experience. My god. You folks went through a lot- you have my empathy. I've been there, experienced unjust treatment from elders as well years ago as a Witness- and I can speak for a certainty to the lack of any semblance of alleged " Christianity " . We are here for you

  • Violia

    BC of shunning a demented older jws person spent their last days in a nursing home in a constant state of confusion, despair. The jws that visted them talked very badly about the family member who was caring for them . The demented older person could not understand all the apostate "talk" but they knew the jws hated their family member. Despite the jws best effort the older person clung to their family member . Seeing this most of the jws then stopped visiting them except for a couple who would show up now and then to condemn things like associating with worldly people . The older jws had a family member who was a jws , but this person could not be bothered to visit. Only a few showed up at the funeral, mostly to send a message to the supposed apostate family member.

  • panhandlegirl

    The SHUNNING POLICY has had a devastating effect on me. I was df'd in the early 80's, during the "purg," although I had not attended meeting in years. I miss my family terribly, but have learned to accept the losses.The majority of my family, which is large, is JW. In fact, three of my cousins give talks at the District Assemblies. If the POLICY was changed today/tomorrow, I don't think I would want to resume a relationship even with my beloved sisters. I am the youngest of five of my father's daughters; all of them JWs.There is too much water under the bridge, too much time has elapsed and some of my family members have been meaner than the Policy calls for. I guess it makes them feel more righteoust to 'throw us under the bus" and mistreat those of us who have done no more than "take the road less traveled" by JWs, those of us who have chosen to use our minds and make our own decisions. Well, that's the way it goes. I have had to rebuild my life without the majority of my family. Thank God I have four brothers and a few male cousins, and my son,daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter to call family. We are a small family but we have many friends. The ORGANIZATION has not broken us. WE WILL SURVIVE!

  • flipper

    VIOLIA- Isn't it amazing how much more REAL love alleged " apostates " show to JW relatives in nursing homes than the JW's themselves. The example you share is proof positive of that fact. My 87 yr.old JW mom has been in an assisted care facility for over 4 months now and my older JW siblings , especially my brother who is an elder rarely call her but perhaps once a month . Yet here I am an alleged " apostate " and I talk to her 4 or 5 days a week on the phone . JW's are so hypocritical pointing the finger at all non-Witnesses as being heathens- yet they act like the most UNCHRISTIAN people of them all ! I have no use for them.

    PANHANDLEGIRL- I'm so sorry that you have been so mistreated by your JW family and shunned. My older JW siblings ( I'm the youngest of 4 siblings ) have essentially treated me like crap all these years as well never bothering to call even though I've occasionally called to see how their health is. After being out over 11 years myself- I'm SOOO done making excuses for JW family. They are trained to be unloving, distant, trained to show no empathy or compassion. They have a sensitivity chip missing in their brains due to WT mind control. It's disgusting. I'm glad that you have family to lean on. I do too. My wife, my son & his girlfriend and my wife's family are very supportive. And I stay in touch with my older JW mom who is in an assisted care facility now. She still cares deeply for us. But other than her- I really have no use for any of my other still active JW relatives. Hang in there my friend you have us as friends as well. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    My wife started this thread months ago- and it';s really a great thread because it has LOTS of shared experiences of how many of us ex-JWs have been shunned by family and former JW friends and how they deal with it. Thought some newer members could use this to see that you are not alone in being shunned. Comments welcome ! Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    These experiences are some that have been shared by many different folks on this board of how they have dealt with being shuned and the effect it's had on them. Perhaps some newer members might benefit from seeing that you are not alone. This is a worldwide scourge encouraged by the WT Society towards those who stop attending or disagree with WT Society policies and teachings. Feel free to add any other experiences or comments

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