WT SHUNNING POLICY: What has it done, or could it do to you?

by flipper 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • fiddler

    I wrote a big long story about the ways I've been hurt these past few years over the shunning policy but hit the wrong key and lost it all..............so here goes again.

    I am a mother of 4 and my oldest daughter is still JW. I left over 14 years ago but had at least some contact with her although not as close a relationship as we had had. About 4 years ago she found out that her husband was cheating on her and so she left him and moved in with her best friends family in my town. I began to see her quite a lot more and offered her the support of a mother and actually was starting to feel like I had my daughter back again (the religion always put up a barrier between us once I decided to leave). After about a year, her husband 'repented' and begged for her to come back and since she was desparately wanting to get pregnant (and missed sex) she returned to him. Her best friend and many of the JW's disapproved but I just told her that I wished her happiness and tried to be supportive of her.

    She went back and immediately got pregnant. Her husband at this time is disfellowshipped but going to meetings working towards reinstatement. This was about when the society started it's stepped up shunning campaign.

    During my daughters pregnancy I visited her at her place a few times and my daughter was always adamant.......fearful even.......that I leave before her husband got home. I did but I told her I though that was strange since I had been the only one that didn't diss on him and supported their choice to get back together. I am ever the optimist...........

    When the time came for the birth my daughter had complications and had to have an emergency C-section. I was not told and although I had tried to at least get text updates, none were given until my younger daughter texted and asked that they please contact me since I was very worried............Her words were twisted into something just so out of line with what she actually said (I kept the transcript) that I could see then how her husband was trying to manipulate Heather away from her family. It was just crazy.

    I saw her and the baby only a handful of times and the last time was (unbeknownst to me at the time) the farewell visit by my daughter. My grandbaby was 6 mos. old at the time. He's almost 2 now.

    I tried to at least send an 'I love you' text once a month to my daughter which never was responded to and the couple of times that I was responded to it was with curt unfeeling replies. So unnatural.

    Last year I also lost my father..........for good. He died. But before he got sick he had been in contact with me for the past 5 years. Although the religion would come up we always had our 'discussions' and agreed to disagree. My dad was good with that. I might add that contact with dad started when my stepmother left him. It's so strange but they were both JW's going to separate congregations during that time and it was somehow OK.

    In January of 2012 I had called my dad hoping maybe he could talk to my daughter and soften her stance a little. He wouldn't go there and said it was her choice............THEN he asks me why it is that I hate the organization so much and why don't I go back to meetings?

    Um let me count the reasons! I wasn't disrespectful but carefully tried to speak of things I knew he'd remember......things like back during Rutherford's days and WWii and the general feelings of urgency of those times and also the 'hitler letter............couldn't leave that out'. Anyway, in the end, we again agreed to disagree.

    It was in March that he got the diagnosis of stage 4 stomach cancer. He asked me to come out and see him. I was already booked to go to Hawaii and see my son and suggested I drop that and go immediately out to Arizona. Dad told me to go and enjoy visiting with my son and to come out afterwards.

    While I was in Hawaii my dad got reunited with my stepmother and I will add here that even when I was a JW, she hated for him to have contact with any of his kids from his first marriage, moi included even though I was the only JW! So..........that attitude was still there and now she was armed with all the latest shunning articles which I'm quite sure she held in front of his face for that first week (for a week was all it took) before he'd acknowleged that he shouldn't be having any contact with me. I still couldn't believe my dad would totally shut me out at a time like this so I got a one way ticket to AZ as soon as I got home. My brother called me just before I was to leave and told me that dad told him to tell me.......................that I wouldn't be welcome at his home since I was 'an apostate'. My brother thought this was all terrible and he and other family members tried to reason with dad but to know avail.

    I was down there for over a month and never got to speak to dad or see him once! My mom is down there too as well as siblings so the visit wasn't a total wasted effort but there it is!

    Dad died in October of 2012.

    I have ranged from extreme sadness to anger over these losses but life goes on and generally, I have good family time with my other children and relatives. Still.......I hope that Gandhi's words prove true (saw this on another thread)

    "First they ignor you, Then they laugh at you, Then they fight you, Then you WIN!"

    I hope so.

  • clarity

    (((fiddler))) ......... so sorry


    They just 'gut' you ...don't they! Omg I just hate what they do!


    Thanks for hanging in & typing that out twice geez.


    I wish for the 'win' too.........to just feel normal & loved.


    I'm hoping a big WIN comes your way very soon.


  • flipper

    Been working a lot the last few days so my apologies for not responding sooner, been working out of town, so I'll reply to the two posts on this page. Thanks for your replies and posts !

    FIDDLER- I'm so terribly sorry for the pain you have suffered. My heart just ached for you in describing your ordeal of shunning from your daughter and your father. My wife and I send you our deepest condolences on the loss of your father. I'm very sad to hear he would not talk to you or see you before he died. Your stepmom is a VERY evil, controlling, insensitive human being to influence your dad to shun you- especially at THAT time when he's dying of cancer. If your dad had not been influenced by her- he may very well have listened to you and your brother, and your families reasonings to see you. But WT Society cult mind control is extremely powerful as evidenced by your stepmom. Hopefully you can remember the good times you had with your dad before the stepmom influenced him.

    As regards your daughter - I HAVE and DO experience shunning from my 2 adult JW daughters now for almost 10 years now. It hurts like hell. I was very close to them as teenagers and took them clothes shopping, camping with their then JW boyfriends- then BOOM ! - as soon as I stopped attending I was totally shunned and octrasized. It's disgusting. But your daughter and my 2 daughters are sick in the head, mentally off due to the cult mind control influence of the WT Society and OTHER fanatic JW's telling them to shun us. IF our daughters had total control of their own minds without mind control or brainwashing- they WOULD choose to associate with us because they would have TOTAL control of their authentic, born with human minds - but at present, they don't. All we can do is keep hoping that someday, some way they will open their eyes perhaps due to suffering injustices themselves within the JW organization and it might turn a light on inside their heads. .

    Just keep showing authentic love and keep the door open to your daughter and we may reap the benefits of a loving relationship with our adult kids someday. Please know we are a support to you here . You are in our thoughts and in our heart.

    CLARITY- I agree, Fiddler went through a very sad experience indeed. We just have to keep on keeping on and be a support to each other here on the board when we all go through these things. And hope that someday some of us will have the nightmare of " shunning " no longer be a part of our life

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • fiddler

    Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Flipper AND Clarity. I know that I am not alone in this but I also am so thankful to be able to share with others online and know that I'm not the social outcast that the GB would like us to feel like we are. It truly does do a number on ones self esteem and daily outlook though. In the days before Internet the isolation had to have been even more terrible and probably why a lot went back into the frey and why others committed suicide.

    I have to relate just a little bit more on the responses from my students when I returned. One, a 30 year old High School teacher and a devout Catholic, asked me how my father was. I had decided I'd just tell any who asked exactly what happened and why and when I told her I never got to see him or speak to him once she just started crying. I was kind of beyond tears but they came back into my eyes and she hugged me. She really couldn't understand how the JW's could treat a person like that and call themselves Christian. Others heard the story and one word came out of so many mouths........CULT! My students range from various Christian faiths to Hindu, agnostics and atheist but I have to say, they all have so much more compassion and fellow feeling than any of the JW's do at this time.

    I really do believe that this policy that the GB is pushing is really damaging the psyches of the witnesses who are trying to carry this huge weight that's been put upon their shoulders. Some ARE cracking under it I'm pretty certain and not in any good way. I think we're seeing more and more tragic news stories that have JW connections to them. It doesn't matter what the congregational standing of perpetrators or victims was at the times crimes were committed but it does tell a story of a lot of mental problems in this one little group. I dare say that it may be a disproportionate number compared to the general population.

  • flipper

    FIDDLER- I'm really glad you shared your experience with us and everybody here as it does help others to see what other people are going through and experiencing in a very real way in order to assist them to see how to get through it. And like yourself I tell other people I come across my experiences of shunning as well because it helps the general public to be aware of the injustices this JW cult are putting upon it's members and former members with the shunning. It IS a cult through and through as you state.

    I think you are right, I agree with you- more and more JW's are cracking under the stress and strain of having to answer to cruel WT leaders and are waking up and jumping off the WT ship. I hope more continue to do so. We receive much more empathy as you said OUTSIDE the JW organization. Thanks so much for your experience ! It really helps lots of people

  • flipper

    BTTT Any experiences shared are helpful to newer JWN members or newly exiting JW's ! Feel free to share your experiences ! Thanks ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Since my wife was the brain storm of this thread she started she requested me to bump this up. I agree, good idea ! Any replies are welcome. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • BackseatDevil

    When I was 9 years old, my brother was kicked out of the house. My parents read me Luke 12:53 and Matthew 10:35 ('I have come and turn man against his father...') etc. etc.

    I was told that my brother would not be joining us in the New System. My grandparents were not witnesses, and though we would visit them often, they were not going to be in the New System either.

    So growing up I already had it ingrained in me that i would have to give up ANYONE at ANYTIME.

    So by the time I was kicked out of Bethel (and shortly afterward... the closet), I had no problem with the shunning. In fact, I had a much easier time with it than my parents did. On several occasions I have told my mother "You're not suppose to be talking to me, rememeber??" (lol) But honestly, it was the friends that were harder, but the world is so full of such decent people... people who are good not because of faith or religion, but because of their love for humanity and each other... and so replacing them, although sad, has lead to some very good relationships that I wouldn't trade for the world.



  • flipper

    BACKSEATDEVIL- I'm so sorry your brother was kicked out of the house by your JW parents. That's inhumane and disgusting. The same thing was done to my 18 yr.old son by my JW ex-wife when he refused to attend meetings anymore and then I had him move in with me because I loved him whether he went to meetings or not ! I mean, come on- he's my son for christ's sakes.

    And you are right with the suffering you experienced with shunning, myself, my son and all of us- a good point you make is that there are MUCH nicer people outside the JW cult in the REAL world who will be there for us at ALL times unconditionally as friends ! And that is what I have found in my 10 years out of the JW cult. Lots of great people OUTSIDE the Witnesses. Hang in there my friend, we are here for you too. I'm sorry your parents treated you and your brother this way. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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