goodbye AAWA--good luck

by bigmac 203 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • talesin

    I'm quite disappointed about how this incident has damaged relationships ....

    Urging everyone to be forthright with your friends, and if feelings have been hurt .. yes, I hold organizers and people who should have taken more care, to be responsible for their actions ... my concern is about the fallout.

    Let's be cautious .. and now that the timeline and summary of 'what happened' seems to be clear ... let those who are wounded, get support and heal. Let the newer activists learn from this, and be more cautious in the future ... more transparent .... build bridges.

    I was gonna say .. Think About It ... and I thought of that poster ... who is very passionate,, sincere,, and I hear an all-round great person. It made me smile. Hey, you... new beginnings.?

    So,, Think About It! Do that, peeps.

    Let's start afresh --- if you are reading, and HURTING ... talk about it,, let's do support. We'll try not to throw 'arrows',,, but please understand, some folks** are in a lot of pain. xo



    ** folks = folks from all sides of this issue! :)

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Oh, BigMac, I thought you were out from the closet!!! I mean you said you were 'out' and posted that meme!!! Lol

  • iamwhoiam

    hmm...AAWA does take donations i hear. im glad any money "donated" to them is being put to good use (<--- sarcasm). i pass a kingdom hall every day on my way to work. i give it the bird on occasion..but it accomplishes nothing other than making me feel good for all of 2 seconds (the emotional scars will always be there to some degree and i have accepted that, afterall it was a big part of my life)...i don't know if i would start an organized fingering campaign for it though. this really makes those who left for good reason look really stupid. it fuels the flames of the watchtowers anti-apostate claims about being mentally diseased. if this fingering campaign is indeed true, i am ashamed of this AAWA thing almost as much as i am of the watchtower. i havent visited thier website yet so i dont know for sure (i value my anonymity for family reasons), but this seems to go way beyond people simply helping people and just being a good sounding board to those who need it. all i know is, people who cut off thier nose to spite thier face usually aren't taken very seriously and rarely last long. the watchtower is thier own worst enemy and if you want to do some damage, just share info about them and thier method of operation...don't start a fingering campaign. my 2 cents anyways. i could be wrong.

  • EdenOne

    Errrrm ... so, let me see if I get this straight ...

    AAWA's BRILLIANT campaign to HELP people to leave the Watchtower is to collect pictures of angry ex-JW's giving the finger at Kingdom Halls? Honestly.... REALLY? I mean.... REALLY??


  • Dagney

    Oh dear.

    If meeting with the GB to discuss reform issues was in the mission statement, this might not help. Just sayin.

    AAWA extends an open offerto theGoverning Body of the Watch Tower Society (or their representatives) to meet with AAWA to discuss ways in which the organization can introduce much-needed reforms concerning the above core issues.
    4. Religious Neutrality
    AAWA is strictly a religiously-neutral organization. It believes firmly that its cause would not be helped by trying to promote any religious or philosophical agenda or belief system. AAWA’s activities are aimed purely at the above key objectives, namely exposing the Society’s damaging beliefs and practices, and assisting those who wish to leave the organization.

    .............................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • EdenOne

    Yes, I can really detect the FINGER of businessman Bo in the AAWA CORPORATION. How much are they paying to those professional PR agencies that are helping them...?

    If their aim is to help people like me to awake and leave, then I can tell you from my advantage point: They're failing miserably.

    Really that is too incredibly stupid to be true.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I really don't know the details of all this AAWA stuff, so I don't say too much in case I'm mis-informed. I think I have read that the AAWA group added many people to their organization without their consent, and because of this some faders were outed to the JW's as having some kind of connection with this group. After that, I think it took awhile for AAWA to take responsibility and try to rectify the privacy situation.

    I do have some advise concerning "Operation: Give the Watchtower the Finger". AAWA.....think before you do stuff like this. I've got no problem with the individual X-JW doing this kind of stuff, or posting this kind of stuff, or whatever.(short of violent actions) The difference is you are now suppose to be a professional organization.

    Earlier, I read the story about Bo Jensen on AAWA, and he does have a legitimite reason to personally feel this way about the Watchtower Society. However, his now being a leader in AAWA makes this look very unprofessional. Mr. Jensen sounds like a very bright, professional, articulate guy, so I'm sure he'll think this middle finger thing over, and do what's needed in order to give their organization more credibility and class in the eyes of those whom they want to represent to the Watchtower Society.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    He probably Tweeted that lovely picture too.


  • zound

    Jesus! I must say, I am definately against AAWA now and think it's a bad and potentially dangerous idea if it's run by these people that don't seem to understand what professionalism is - and for whatever reason can't see that stuff like this is a no brainer - DON'T ***ING DO IT!

    I think of the violent attacks of the witnesses in Bulgaria. Watch the news video of it, it's quite horrible. You know how that started? It was a bunch of ex-jehovahs witness activists that were peacefully protesting against the JW's, then some drunken locals got involved and things turned violent.

    Ex-JW's are helping JW's all over the world - it doesn't need to be organised!

    If you MUST have an organisation - do it purely 100% to help and support ex-JW's that come out of the organisation. Build up statistics and case studies of the damage that is being done to people then with a few years of exeriences go to the authoritys with a buttload of data and voices proving Watchtower is a destructive organisation, then let them take legal action.

    As soon as you start attacking Watchtower you discredit yourself and make yourself hypocrites.

    Though people suffered from the facebook thing - promoting hate against the watchtower is eventually going to lead to violence! I know these are real people that run this thing, and I'm not having a go personally - if you put yourselves in positions of power you have to expect criticism.

    "It is the firm belief of AAWA that Watchtower will continue to suffer adverse publicity and further stagnation in member growth unless it is prepared to accept its urgent duty to reform elements of its teachings and practices that are both unmerciful and potentially destructive both to its members and former members."

    Let me just re-arrange this:

    "It is my belief that AAWA will continue to suffer adverse publicity and further stagnation in member growth unless it is prepared to accept its urgent duty to reform elements of its teachings and practices that are both unmerciful and potentially destructive both to its members and former members."

    Activism - you're doing it wrong.

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