WHAT IF the Watchtower Society were a MAP company instead?

by Terry 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JakeM2012

    Yes, Brothers the end is imminent, the generation is overlapping. If you were lost you would stop and ask for directions from someone knowledgeable. Brothers, Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH, Jehovah's Witnesses know where they are going. People are coming to us for answers because we are not lost as the false religions that Jesus condemned. Yes, he has given us a spiritual paradise to enjoy while we wait for Armeggodon. Look around the convention at your brothers and sisters enjoying the spiritual paradise. (Clapping) We can see that Jehovah has provided a faithful and discrete slave to guide us in these critical times hard to deal with. The Faithful slave is God's Channel to mankind, and the evidence indicates that the Faithful slave continues to listen for his voice, his direction.

    The Spiritual Paradise while Following the Direction of the Faithful Slave

    lost people

  • Terry

    Watchtower doctrine reminds me of an old corny joke that went like this...

    One day a busload of sailors on shore leave disembarkS in an out of the way city they've visited before.

    The seamen walk up and down the Main street looking for something exciting to do.

    One of them goes up to a Taxi driver and asks, "What do people do for fun around here?"

    The Taxi driver beckons the sailor to come closer and conspiratorially whispers to him, "Grandma's whore house!"

    The sailor's eyes brighten and he eagerly runs over to tell his shipmates.

    The Taxi driver agrees to drive them to Grandma's whore house for $450 dollars which will include their--umm--evening's entertainment there.

    All agree and happily part with their money.

    The taxi takes them five miles outside of town to a very deserted area and parks in front of a large edifice with a sign outside: GRANDMA'S WHORE HOUSE in red letters.

    The sailors crowd out of the cab and head over to the door.

    As he's driving away, the Taxi driver shouts:

    "Just ring the doorbell three times and wait for Grandma. She's old and slow--be patient! She'll throw you out if you're not patient!"

    The doorbell is rung 3 times and the eager sailors stand and wait.

    And they wait.

    Still waiting......................

    And they wait until they really don't want to wait any longer.

    Now they're pissed off and ready to act like sailors on shore leave!!

    They start banging on the door, tapping on the window and finally throw a hard shoulder against the big door until it swings open with a bang!

    They all fall in on the other side.

    As they stand up and dust themselves off, one by one, they realize the front of the big house is just one big wall with long 2x4's propping it up.

    What's going on?

    There's nothing else! They are outside behind that wall and there's nothing there at all.....except....for....a big sign which reads:


  • mostlydead

    Great post Terry and reply Greybeard...my husband is a mapaholic and if I hope I'll get an opening to use this someday.

  • Terry

    It is said that men don't want to stop and ask for directions.

    The WTS gives directions like the old farmer standing next to his milk cow and leaning on his plow:

    "Go down this here road until you get to where the Miller's house use to be and make a right. Then, drive beside

    where the creek was before it dried up and stop at where that grove of trees was we had to cut down to build the courthouse.

    That should be the dirt road leading to the state highway!"

  • fakesmile

    terry, i read and reread your posts. i am hesitant to comment because, well what can be added? you should write a book.

  • Terry

    terry, i read and reread your posts. i am hesitant to comment because, well what can be added? you should write a book.

    I simply cannot imagine anybody wanting to read such a book! Otherwise, thanks!

  • fakesmile

    well, the points connect with anyone involved with the wtBS.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Good post Terry somebody gave me a Watchtower map once I ended up lost for a few years I threw it out eventually never been as lost since.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    You have hit the nail on the head!!!!

    Much to the WT’s chagrin, we have a great ability to use illustrations!

    I LOVE IT!!!

    I will use this illustration to combat all of the controlled minds I come across.

    Which part do I like the best?

    More excuses are offered. People don't use their maps correctly! People expect too much when human error is always a factor. The NEWER maps will be much better than the older ones. Be patient......be patient.....

    Somehow, only the GB is important, UNTIL there is ERROR…. And

    THEN it is the “people’s” problem with being “impatient.”

    That is at the heart of it (and sometimes, it IS hard to figure out what they do so “eloquently”… over and over, and in so many situations, it is hard to describe, right?

    Attention from “error” is diverted..

    NOW it is all about YOUR “patience,” YOUR “loyalty,” & our favorite brain stopper quote: “who are you going to go away to?”

    & the one that irritates me the most "I am sooo glad I am part of an organization that is willing to change"

  • Terry

    the one that irritates me the most "I am sooo glad I am part of an organization that is willing to change"

    I usually reply, "If you shit your pants in public you BETTER be willing to change..."

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