Does anyone know why the Watchtower named their bible the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures? It's been awhile since I have even had any of their books in my home, and most of the time I don't think about it. I don't know why, but when I think of that title, the phrase New World Order keeps popping up in my mind.
Why do they call it the New World Translation?
by Tameria2001 22 Replies latest jw friends
From the title pages in the NWT:
*** Rbi8 p. 3 Title Page/Publishers’ Page ***
“This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: ‘. . . Here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart.”
So I guess the New World is the post Armageddon paradise.
Tam excellent point. I never thought about it. anyone out there got any dirt on their Bible translation ?
This is from an article about the New World Translation from the Watchtower 1950 9/15 pg 37
"Through the Theocratic organization of his anointed witnesses he has been clearing up the Bible truth more and more and thus purifying their speech. So now they talk and live in harmony with the language of the approaching new world. And here, in this year of 1950, his providence brings forth this New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures as a further purification of the speech of his people. He has graciously provided it as a further powerful means for turning to the peoples a “pure language”".
We need to ''look outside'' the WT to 'worldly' sources. Academics and scholars for this information.
Nearly everything from WT is corrupted as far as I can tell.
Witnesses nowadays refer a lot to the "new system," which is itself a phrase adapted from the NWT. In the 1950s, they spoke often of the "New World" and referred to themselves as the "New World Society." It wasn't much of a stretch to call their Bible the New World Translation.
Did you know that most of regular christians think the New World is a literal new world. it's not a refurbished Earth. Blew my JW trained mind when I first heard of that.
Heh. It could very well be a slick, hidden in plain sight, clue.
New World
Translation - 1984
All your thoughts belong to us!
They also used to speak about the New World Society. I think Splash and skeeter1 make it fairly clear as to the "New World" part. As for 'translation', that is another matter.
a Better Title might be, "How In The World Did We Get This Translation". remember you can't fix what doesn't want to be fixed.