Trying to handle my JW mom

by KatyMomof2 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • KatyMomof2

    My mom is a recent widow. She, being a JW does not have means to support herself and does not seek higher education ( because that would take from her studies ). So, she is living ( sponging off of ) me. I was raised as a JW and ran for my life when I turned 18. She is now terrifying my kids! She told my 10 year old daughter that demons are everywhere trying to get into our bodies and make us do bad things. The only way to make them leave is to say Jehovah. Well, I don't allow that word to be spoken in my house. My daughter is so terrified she will not sleep in her own bed. She makes me stand outside the bathroom door! I think I need to send her to a shrink to undo the damage. I want so badly to kick my mom out of the house but where would she go? I told her she can NEVER talk religion with my kids again, but she just can't help herself, especially around holidays. I don't trust her around my kids.

    Anyone else with family members pushing the JW beliefs onto their kids?

  • Giordano

    It's your home and your kids....your rules. Tell her she will have to leave if she intimidates your children again. Start looking into subsidized housing. Doesn't she get a survivors check from Social Security, food stamps and Medicaid if you live in the USAs? You'll have to be honest with your kids so they won't be influenced by her crazy beliefs.

  • Tylinbrando

    child abuse comes in various forms. If you were to send your kids to a therapist and the abuse is unraveled you may be questioned as to if you knew about it and why you allowed it to happen. You should assume the role as protector of your children and head if the household and lay down rules for your mom with consequences if she does not abide by them. It may be difficult but just as you made your escape years ago, you now have the obligation to protect your children.

    The alienation tactics used by your mom generally get worse and more subversive. Please do what needs to be done in an assertive way to protect your children from further mental anguish.

  • punkofnice

    It's hard because it's your Mum.

    But you will need to take a firm stand. She either backs off with the cult nonsense or will have to find her own place.

    If she's been sponging then inform her that if she really is in the true religion it won't matter because the congregation will look after her and if not her god will.

  • KatyMomof2

    Wow! I like that. I feel empowered like a momma lion. I don't think she can ever truly have a relationship with my kids. She will always have some reason to relate a topic back to God. She may not even know she is doing it. She keeps saying, "but it's the truth". Yeh, right.

    My mom also HATES gays. She bashes them constantly when on T.V. or in the news! I am trying to raise kids that accept people for who they are, and respect the choices that are right for them. It's not easy when she keeps pointing to a bible. JW's are so driven by their religion it's almost impossible to break through. My kids watching GLEE is not a sin.

    I never thought I would have to protect my kids from my own mother.

  • Splash

    If you were living with her and telling her things she didn't want to hear about the WTBTS, not only would she kick you out, but if you were baptised she would report you to the elders and have you kicked out of the congregation as well.

    Remember that she cannot help herself. Your Mom simply will not stop. Now make your decision.


  • Ding


    Sorry you are going through all this.

    Protect your daughter.

    Your house; your rules.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Welcome Katymomof2! Glad to have you here with us on this forum.

    It's difficult when it's our parents and we've all been taught to respect them. But that works both ways. She has to respect you now as an adult and a mother yourself.

    I had nightmares as a child because of my parents telling me about the demons and armeggeddon. So plese, protect your kids. It can have long-lasting damaging effects.


  • BluesBrother

    Hi Katy...

    Your mother has serious issues here and really, her comments and behaviour are not typical of the dubs that I know. It is your home and you can set any rules .

    I want so badly to kick my mom out of the house

    This is so sad, but you don't do it , you are being decent to her. I do not know what the answer will be but no doubt an answer will present itself...

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi KatyMomof2, I am sorry about your mom adversely influencing your children. It is your house, so it is your rules. Have you thought about going to the library and checking out books written by Raymond Franz and Steve Hassan? Your mom will probably either volunteer leaving because those books are in your house or she may even start reading the books when no body is looking.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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