Anyone can be saved

by StopTheTears 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • tootired2care

    The old man that molests your child is saved because he confessed his sin and and prayed to Jesus now he is in heaven.

    Now the Social worker that helped your child cope, no he was a Jew he goes to hell. The cop the arrested the molester was an athiest he goes to worst part of hell. The Judge of the molester's trial he was of the wrong type of christian faith so he goes to hell. The doctor that treated you child for years after everything was said and done goes to hell because he was a Muslim.

    Well when you put it like that...

    Stop making so much sense would you? Just think about the warm and fuzzy redemption where lions play with beach balls, no thought required mmmkay?

  • Este

    Yes anyone is saved by Jesus

    The old man that molests your child is saved because he confessed his sin and and prayed to Jesus now he is in heaven.

    Now the Social worker that helped your child cope, no he was a Jew he goes to hell. The cop the arrested the molester was an athiest he goes to worst part of hell. The Judge of the molester's trial he was of the wrong type of christian faith so he goes to hell. The doctor that treated you child for years after everything was said and done goes to hell because he was a Muslim.

    Along with repentance comes discipline so people do not go unpunished. This can be held true in how GOD treated the Israelites. It seems you have lots of resentment in your heart rest assured that GOD will judge in righteousness......


  • 5go

    I don't have resentment, I have logic. My heart pumps blood, my minds has feelings.

    I have my beliefs and I keep them to myself for the most part and one of those beliefs is that they can all be saved and they don't need to confess anything to anyone as the idea of sin and debt has been used by men to control, just live that's al that is needed. Find your purpose, and do it.

    I prefer to live by the Assassin's Creed.

    Nothing is true, Everything is permitted.

    Which means to me; No one truly knows the whole truth. Don't beat yourself up over mistakes, and learn to live with the consqences of your actions punnished, or not.

  • Este

    Which means to me; No one truly knows the whole truth. Don't beat yourself up over mistakes, and learn to live with the consqences of your actions punnished, or not.

    You seem to follow mens logic and rules but not GOD's. They are not one in the same. GOD's law is above mens and the day is coming that GOD's law rules supreme. Even under mens law people are punished, so much more will they be under GOD's law, because GOD knows what is true and can read the heart.


  • 5go

    No, I follow my Goddess' rules, well more like guide.

    Sorry, but your god tried and failed. It will soon be over but not in the way you think, even your god said that. I just hope it's not in the way I think it will end.

  • LouBelle

    I respect that it's your choice to believe in god/jesus and in being saved. Through life experience and study I have come to realise there is no god and I'm quite happy with it. If there are gods then we are those gods, we have to take responsibility for ourselves, our actison. We control our fate, we make decisions and those decisions bring with it a ripple of consequences. I understand walking in the path of christ and finding your own truth, or salvation if you will - that salvation knowledge is the truth there is no god but ourselves.

  • EdenOne

    People don't pay enough attention to the Book of Jonah.

    Everyone is so distracted by the fantabulous big fish, that they disregard the main message conveyed at the very end. When Jehovah reversed his intention of destroying Ninevh and Jonah got bitter and hard-headed, he was told these amazing words: " And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left--and also many animals?" (Jonah 4:8)

    There's simply no way of knowing what God will do regarding the judgement of mankind. We cannot know the "when"; We may have a glimpse of the "how"; And as for the outcome ... well.... contrary to what many think, God does change his mind, ocasionally. I trust that God will be as graceful as possible, perhaps much, much beyond our best expectations.


  • punkofnice

    I am enjoying reading this thread. It's very entertaining.

    I see the cognitive dissonance is very evident.

    I observe the double speak on a level of WBT$ proportions.

    God is good.

    Oh, no he isn't.

    Oh, yes he is!

    How do you know?

    'Cause a book says so, so there!

    You put your own interpretation on 'Hell'.

    Oh, no I didn't.

    Oh, yes you did!


    Oh no he isn't...........................etc ad infinitum.

  • EdenOne


    When I read your posts, as well as cofty's and some others here, I can only remember the words of Matthews 18:6, 7

    "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!"

    You were once like me, brothers in faith. Just like me, you were one of "these little ones" - rank and file Witnesses, who had once a firm belief that those men sitting on the 10th floor in Brooklyn were genuinely caring for your spiritual well-being, and that what they were teaching was "the truth", and whatever they said was almost like the very word of God. And then I look at you ... and I look at myself in the mirror. And it's hard not to feel scared that someday I might become as bitter and disilusioned as you are. Because we are being stumbled, every day, we, the "little ones".

    I wish it were possible that we could meet each other and see each other for what we are. Brothers. Sons of God. Humans trying to do the best we can.

    I hope I can savage what I can from this all and still live a happy life. And trust me, as much as you may wish me well, i wish you well in return.


  • Heaven

    So what happens to people who have never read the Bible, and have never heard of Yahweh (assuming this is the God you mean) and his son Jesus? There are millions of people throughout history and currently living today that don't know about these dudes ... and never will.

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