“Eternal torment does not exist it is symbolic of wickedness being put to death forever and ever.”
“People will come to know GOD and know that He is a loving GOD.”
“Salvation requires conformity to The Laws of GOD. A chance to repent will be given to all people. Lets see who will not repent after Jesus Christ arrives.... ”
“Many if not all people will repent. GOD is Almighty and to feel His strength is unfathomable.......”
“Along with repentance comes discipline so people do not go unpunished.”
“Even under mens law people are punished, so much more will they be under GOD's law.”
From the above, it appears in the first two quotes that you don’t believe in a literal hell of eternal torment; however, in all the rest of the quotes, it might seem that you believe there will, in fact, be some sort of “hellish,” or at least very frightening, situation at that future time.
I’m not completely sure exactly in what form you propose this ‘punishment’ as a way of ‘feeling His unfathomable strength’ would be, but I can’t help thinking back to those rather disturbing drawings in the old Paradise book (you know, the big dark-orange-colored one back around the 70s) showing the terror in the eyes of people of all ages as the buildings rock, fire falls from the sky, and deep crevices in the ground open up depicting the situation around Armageddon.
Now, I know you also said that “repentance will be the subject matter beginning in the thousand year reign of Christ.” I always thought of that “judgment day” as being more placid and tranquil with everyone alive at that time, including those resurrected, being given an opportunity to learn God’s ways of peace and order. But those last four quotes above seem to insinuate some show of forceful coercion and ‘punishment.’
I was just wondering if you could elaborate a little more on the exact nature of this future situation in which people would be “moved” to repent, and just how fearful this experience might be.
Take care.