HI! im new here...

by outofthelionsden 51 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • outofthelionsden

    Hi everyone!

    I have been reading post on this forum for many months and I wanted to thank you all for all the great posts and comments that have really helped me get through this hard year of fading. My husband and I where born in jdubs and almost 1 year ago we started to fade , now that we think about it has been a few years that we were suffering from Cognitive Dissonance without knowing it. We feel that finally we have our life back , a life that is just starting. We have not been DF or DA but both sides of our family have shunned us , it has been many months that they stopped talking to us and they even went to the extent to change there phone number so that I cannot contact them and this is from family that I talkted with daily. So as you can imagine this has been very heart breaking for me. but as my husband says we have to continue with life , we were so limited to the world that everything is new to us lol . Ill be posting our story soon. I wanted to entroduce myself a long time ago but I was scared do to family investigating me and paying online to find all websites I was viewing and signed up to, that's how they found out I was becoming an ex-witness

  • flipper

    OUTOFTHELIONSDEN- A big welcome to you on the board ! I was a born-in too and have some family that shuns me as well. I'm so sorry to hear you are experiencing that. It is extremely hurtful as you well know. And barbaric , and inhumane. Please know that we are here for you as a support and offer our friendship to you unconditionally. I'll PM you my wife and my phone number if you'd ever like to chat, O.k. ? Check your PMs in about 5 minutes. Once again Welcome to freedom of mind and expression ! Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Outofthelionsden- Check your private mail please, sent you a message. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Theredeemer

    Welcome. Your story is almost exactly like mine and my wife's. Just concentrate on your lives as a couple and try to ignore the actions of your family. You will be angry, sad abs sometimes you will even laugh at their actions. After all they are on a cult.

  • Theredeemer

    Sorry for the typos, damn phone!

  • outofthelionsden

    Thank you mr. Flipper for your kind welcome! as you say shunning is inhumane, I cant ever imagine doing that to my children

    thanks for the PM I just sent you one as well...

  • Ding


    I'm sorry you're going through all this.

    You'll find a lot of support here.

  • outofthelionsden

    Thanks Theredeemer, as you say we have been concentrating on us and our kids making sure we give them the best childhood of fun and love.

    i was not allowed to go to college (since i was going to go to the world if i did) so because of it we have struggled to keep afloat. but not anymore I signed up a few months ago for online college!! but we have definitely gone through all the emotions, at time you almost feel your going crazy lol

    but everyday is a new beginning and its about time to enjoy life!!!!

  • flipper

    OUTOFTHELIONSDEN- Thanks for the PM ! I PMed you back another message ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • LisaRose

    Welcome, so glad you found us, but sad that your family is shunning you and, wow, intruded on your privacy in that way. Losing family is the worst part of learning TTATT, but you cannot live your life for others, you have to be true to yourself. How exiting to have a chance at freedom and living for yourself and not a lie. I look forward to hearing your story.


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