She's a wise girl, best to keep a foot in both camps sweetie in case you don't find your JW match. Ladies, you can always give that dumb religion the flick for a while if a worldly knight in shining armour comes and sweeps you off your feet
The first of many 2013 District Conventions is over . . .
by bats in the belfry 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thx, BluesBrother, from your source. On Sat we had about 9 or 10 new ones that symbolized their dedication by water baptism.
Is there any way to find out from your source, how many were in attendance (in Brooklyn, NY) there?
Seems the conventions are getting lesser and lesser in baptizees. (funny, how JWs don't even notice it)
22 baptized with attendance at about 6,000 = .367%. Low ratio. Then, in many conventions it is observed to be mostly JW youth, as the WTS is making the call for 10 yr olds to get baptized.
Just out of curiosity, can someone please tell me which DC congregations in Washington DC are assigned to.
Many thanks.
Just out of curiosity, can someone please tell me which DC congregations in Washington DC are assigned to.
If I'm not mistaken, you can find out via I think there's a section for convention dates based on region.
I might add that I'm sure a lot of folks from the DC area are attending in Richmond, VA at the Coliseum this month. I'll be headin' down next weekend myself. Maybe I'll start a thread or three about how it goes when I'm down there.