I am just in a terribly anger mood after hearing this. I really want to choak the life out of the brother=fool who said your son was a weapon used by Satan to disrupt the harmony of the hall. Kick his ass!
How can a person do that to a child ? Your dear son, will probably have terrible nightmares and God only know what eles he must be thinking. He is so brainwashed , he will beleive he is evil ,if they continue to have their little bible study with him. A weekly special bible study to bash him down even more. Please do all the research you can on how the borg brainwashes people and look deep into what your son is saying, or doing. Depression and suicide are not always so easy to discern, sometimes when you think a person is doing great,
the bottom falls out. Like I said I know from experience. My son, who made his own choice to leave the borg about 10 months ago still has nightmares, as do I, so it is such a traumatic thing to go thru.
I beleive we didnt even realize why we were so depressed when we first left. The scare tactics are sometimes subtle , and I agree he needs deprogramming, when I first went out , I would have loved to have went to a specialized doctor in that field. Just do what you have to do to protect him, even if it means taking him far away from that horrible kingdom hall, the one that could take him away from you.
He is still young and can go on to lead a happy life. Please dont let the so called loving brothers gain more control of his beautiful mind.
That is all those bastards care about , they dont care what pain he is going thru. Please pass this message to him if you can, I dont know you Ben, but there are so many , so many, that are in your shoes right now, you have alot of people who do not think you evil. Beleive in yourself and know that for those of us who are trying to be Christ like , truly do love you. I want to go in my sons room right now and just hold him and tell him how special he is, Ben your dad loves you so much, listen to him and pray to God for peace of mind. You will be in my thoughts today and tomorrow and my prayers as well.