Those who were baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, we reach out to them and try to rekindle their spiritual interest.
FAQ - from the official web site "Do You Shun Former Members of Your Religion"?
by therevealer 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
This is such a BS answer and totally ignores those who are disfellowshipped. Assholes.
Band on the Run
It is not BS. It is a bold-faced easily proven lie!
How can they include such a bold faced lie on their web site. Sheesh.
What they don,t say, " if they reject to rekindle their
spiritual interest, then we can sh---t all over them.
Wow this could make many JW see the hypocrisy if they read this on the WT official site.
A lie .....I'm out over 20 years, never disfellowshipped, I got in touch with an elder friend and ex- work mate last year, while traveling, we exchange 1 phone call, 2 emails, he may have seen my blog on google (i have gmail) where I have a copy of ISOCF and has ignored me ever since....we are not even in the same country skin of my nose.
This reminds me of a conversation with my wife. The CO recently said that, " Anyone not in the Ark will die! They will die!" I told my wife that this contradicts the FAQ section at JW.ORG under the subject " Do Jehovah's witnesses believe that only they will be saved?" My wife tried to rationalize it away, " Well, he meant only those that Jehovah thinks are wicked. They will be destroyed, we won't mourn those ones." I explained what the " Ark " symbolized. She couldn't accept it. I left it this way: " IF the CO said that all those not baptized and in the ORG will die, then he is wrong. Or JW.ORG is wrong. You cannot have it both ways. They cannot both be right because they are contradictory."
There is no shame in their game.