Many Jews today refuse to even use "God." I see it in written form as "G-D." The Jewish God has much dignity. Calling him by a personal name is bad form. No one ever refered to God as "Jehovah."
What is the point of all this empahsis on a personal name today? It reminds of that Paul Simon song, "Call me Al." Isn't the concept of God much broader than YHWH. YHWH is a minor god. El was the supreme god.
I've read Hasidic materials. Even they don't want to worship as ancient Israelites. A member here told me a sign of a cult is special words that outsiders cannot reference. The Jehovah part is so bizarre to Christians that people note the weirdness. It brands the Jehovah's Witnesses. The effect would not be the same for God's Witnesses.
I can understand "Abba." They never address the main points such as the original condition of humans, Christology. They bog us down with Jehovah, cross vs. stake, dates. etc. These are trivial issues. We never discussed how we care for our own as Christians. Neither did we ever discuss how we relate to other faiths or lack of faith. Whether or not to recite the Lord's Prayer is a huge issue for them. I don't think Jesus would care. He would care about our hearts and souls. They have no social gospel. In fact, I can't tell you how they view salvation or grace. All that was ever clear to me ws don't mess with Bethel.