As the information age is apon us and it doesn't take that much information to easily prove this New light by the Governing Body granting them absolute loyalty and power is a blatant power grab by a bunch of over the hill ego maniacs I see a revolt in the making.
Big Revolt Among CO, DO, Bethelites, and Branch Servant Likely
by frankiespeakin 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I see a slight uptick in exits.
I do not see a revolt.
Please God! Let Frankie be right an me wrong!
Wishful thinking...
If things worked that way, there would be no Roman Catholic Church today, there would have been no Nazi Germany, no genocide in Cambodia, etc. etc.
Sounds great, but aren't those people where they are precisely because they follow the company line without question?
The organization equates loyalty to God with loyalty to the GB, and that commitment is valued over everything else.
If there's one unchangeable doctrine of the WTS it's that the GB speaks for God no matter what they say.
Look at when revolts and revolutions have happened in History.
Russia: The serfs were freed and greater power given to the Russian Parliament.
France: Greater powers given to the middle classes.
Russia: (1980s) more freedoms given.
In other words revolt only seems to happen when the thinking people are givein greater freedom - freedom above all else from FEAR.
Being in Da Troof in the 21st cent. is like living in a police state where everybody is controlled by fear, and rewarded by climbing up the food chain. Untill this fear, holding families to ransom, ostracising dissent, and the "informer culture" is got rid of, we will never see a revolt from the ranks.
Look what happened when they relaxed the rules on education about 1993. People were givien their inch and took the mile.
Those cultish eight old fools in NY know what is at stake. I know I am not prepared to give my mind over to eight ignorant old men. paul said he was astonished that having been set free in Christ, people were enslaving themselves to the views of mere men.
FEAR FEAR FEAR at present is their trump card at control.
IF you are a believer when do YOU think Christ will act - if at all?
Look at when revolts and revolutions have happened in History.
Russia: The serfs were freed and greater power given to the Russian Parliament.
France: Greater powers given to the middle classes.
Russia: (1980s) more freedoms given.
In other words revolt only seems to happen when the thinking people are givein greater freedom - freedom above all else from FEAR.
Being in Da Troof in the 21st cent. is like living in a police state where everybody is controlled by fear, and rewarded by climbing up the food chain. Untill this fear, holding families to ransom, ostracising dissent, and the "informer culture" is got rid of, we will never see a revolt from the ranks.
Look what happened when they relaxed the rules on education about 1993. People were givien their inch and took the mile.
Those cultish eight old fools in NY know what is at stake. I know I am not prepared to give my mind over to eight ignorant old men. paul said he was astonished that having been set free in Christ, people were enslaving themselves to the views of mere men.
FEAR FEAR FEAR at present is their trump card at control.
IF you are a believer when do YOU think Christ will act - if at all?
Never going to happen. I used to believe there was hope. Now I have accepted that most JW's will never research anything. The GB is too skilled at the art of deception. They speak of " making sure of all things " but they scare the rank and file soooo much with tales of Satanic Media, and they also constatly remind the rank and file that they are lost without the GB.
The only hope is a massive scandal, even then, many will not wake up.
I would think most JWs think their religion is the true religion. WTS does a pretty good job of poisoning the well of religion too so there is often no place to go. A number of things probably need to happen at roughly the same time to allow for a rapid exit: realisation that one is on a 'wrong path', enough confidence to leave, enough strength to start again, loved-ones ready to exit too or at least maintain contact. I think leaving is a very big deal for most people. Especially those with a big investment, eg COs, DOs etc.
There are social connections, family connections and of course, for many (if not most), fear of destruction at Armageddon or no resurrection if they check out before that. The odds seem to me stacked in favour of staying in. For many, those with immediate family in, any exit needs to be en mass ideally. I would think it is very difficult to suddenly up-sticks and start again. Particularly as more years are invested in the Borg.
There is also the fact that many long-time witnesses are used to adapting their beliefs and trust the WTS, even if they can't understand the rationale behind its decisions. I remember book-studying the & times. I never understood it, the application seemed ludicrous but I went along with it because I though other things were correct so this probably was too.
I am awed by how long-timers manage to disengage themselves because they no longer believe. I was lucky - I got booted out before I realised it was a crock of shit. I didn't have to make a choice. I didn't have to think it through. I had no family in.
You are lucky.