Big Revolt Among CO, DO, Bethelites, and Branch Servant Likely

by frankiespeakin 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GromitSK

    Yes and no DD lol

    My military--career ambitions, which I hard worked to achieve for years, were wrecked. Fortunately I was already at university so I had my degree to fall back on.

  • Larsinger58

    Sounds great, but aren't those people where they are precisely because they follow the company line without question?

    The organization equates loyalty to God with loyalty to the GB, and that commitment is valued over everything else.

    If there's one unchangeable doctrine of the WTS it's that the GB speaks for God no matter what they say.

    You are precisely right. This directly fulfills 2 Thessalonians about the "man of lawlessness" becoming a god in God's own house. Many don't understand that, indeed, the WTS used to be God's chosen temple or house, via the public anointed ones associated with this organization. Like it or not, you can't have the "evil slave" and the "man of lawlessness" without being part of Jehovah's recognized organization. But how the GB has made itself and continues to make itself a god in God's house is very apparent.

    However, before the 2nd coming, the "man of lawlessness" has to be revealed first. So the 2nd coming occurred on December 25, 1992 but 45 days earlier a letter was written by one of the anointed to the GB and the Writing Committee essentially notifying them that they were being cast out and cast into spiritual darkness as they had become a god to the followers who were not paying attention to the Bible. So the GB has long ago been "disfellowshipped" by Jehovah. Those now continuing to follow them are not thinkers or lovers of truth. but lovers of a fantasy and convenience.

    But, per the Bible, both the 666-beast coming out of the sea (which represaents Christendom) and the lamb-dragon beast, coming out of the earth, both are cast into the lake of fire "while still alive"; meaning they are still active religious organizations. Furthermore, they are active right to the very end since they are the ones who help set the stage for the confrontation between Christ and the kings of the earth, who at this time will be part of the U.N. The one thing Christendom and the WTS have in common is that they both are expecting Christ's return in some way.

    Both the 666-beast and the WTS help to bring about that confrontation known as "Armageddon" before their demise:

    REV, 16l13 And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.

    Now what does this mean? I don't know precisely, it hasn't been revealed to me. But what scenarios fit this? It seems that the "false prophet" which is the WTS and the 666-beast, which represents Christendom, are working together with the same message to cause this confrontation.

    The only scenario I can think of that might fit this is that they will be claiming that Christ has arrived and that the millennium is about to begin. So I figure at some point, they will either have been convinced I'm the true Christ and I'm about to destroy them, or they will be encouraging the UN to battle with me and maintain their presumed right to self rule. At any rate, the confrontation is between the Christian god and the world governments under the UN. I don't see how this can be fulfilled unless I'm at this point believed to be or recobnized as the true Christ, by both the WTS and Christendom alike. I don't see that occurring unless some miracles begin to happen to convince them--after all, they sure are not following the Bible's indicators that would confirm me as the Christ.

    The final confrontation between the nations and Jehovah have to be understood by them. That is, they at some point have to understand that God is about to take over world government and that it is his right to decide who will rule, even if it is the LOWLIEST of mankind:

    DANIEL 4:17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is, to the intent that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind.”

    Now, I kind of make a little light of this reference here, claiming God sort of over did it this time in regards to the "lowliest" of mankind becoming his choice as the ruler of the world. That is, "lowliest" in the eyes of the world. God has chosen an ex-male prostitute and drag-queen to be the Christ! So that really puts strikes the nail on the head of "lowliest of mankind" being chosen as ruler. But the point remains that the nations like to think they can self rule and God's message is that he decides who will rule in the earth. That's the academic confrontation of Armageddon: the nations giving up self rule and recognizing God's choice. But it seems that the 666-Beast and the lamb-dragon beast (WTS) are making the nations understand that they are expected to relinquish self rule for God's rule under Christ, or else they will face destruction.

    Now further context to not wanting to give up self rule is the reference in scripture that as soon as they claim "peace and security" then instant destruction will be upon them. So it would seem, after the UN takes over global government that at one point they will, indeed, attain some degree of true "peace and security" world wide. It is clear at this point because of the global economy that no nation, even the U.S. can exist on its own, especially now that the US is bankrupt. There has to be cooperation and world government in our time makes sense! So it will not be a time of war or severe circumstances where many will welcome a change, any change. They will have attained perhaps the ultimate world political goal of "peace and security" and will want to hold onto self rule.

    God's message, MY message as his representative, is really acknowledging the advancement they've made, great. But the TIME IS UP! It's time for the 1000-year reign and their time of nearly 6000 years of man's rule under Satan has come to and end. I'm not necessarily condemning them, but just saying their time is up. When they balk against that, then, of course, God has the POWER to enforce his wishes and they will simply cease to exist. All God has to do to destroy the world's governments is kill the people off who give their allegiance to the political governments. Government is in the minds of the people. Without people, there is no government. Reflect on the time when God killed the firstborn of the Egyptians. They just dropped dead. Guns can't fight against angels.

    Now, the inspired expressions look like "frogs." Frogs were one of the 10 plagues. So just as God represents himself as putting hooks into the jaws of the dragon to do what God wishes, then these frogs may represent a God-ordianed or God-imposed mandate or plague that forces this confrontation between Christ and the UN.

    At any rate, it appears that Christ (whether me or not--dohhh) will be recognized in the Christian world, both by Christendom in general and the WTS and that they will recognize the setting is Armageddon, even if they are being forced to do so, as if God was casting a plague against them, forcing them to do this.

  • steve2

    The GB thanks its lucky stars that the biggest problem affecting the organization is not apostasy but...apathy. The latter is much less disruptive than the presence of intelligent, thinking individuals in congregation questioing current policies. The yawn is much more of a problem than the yell. Besides, to adapt that old Latin maxim, The Witnesses love to be deceived. It's a more bearable way to get through life.

  • mP


    How come genghis khan is not the man of lawlessness ? Surely he was more evil than the WTS.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Or Hitler or Stalin? They were undoubtedly evil, and both persecuted Jews and Christians, tho Stalin persecuted Christians more and Hitler persecuted Jews more.

  • frankiespeakin

    The greater the exposure on the internet and the more rediculous the teachings of the Governing Body get the greater the possiblity. Add to this the out right lying to and mistreatment of members and I think we can see the potential for this happing in the future.

  • Vidiot

    There'll be no revolt, (or even progressive reform, FTM).

    The WTS's internal structure has evolved in such a way as to (among other things) specifically prevent that sort of thing from happening.

    They learned from the AOG's fragmentation very well.

    What is happening, however, is a steady hemorraging of decent, intelligent, creative individuals, young people, and "qualified" men willing to serve as MSs and elders...

    ...which suggest a far more ignominious decline is in the cards; a whimper rather than a bang.

  • sir82

    Based on what, besides your fevered imagination?

  • ?evrything

    I wish but most are brainswashed too bad.. Thers is absolutely no way to get them to take the blinders off.


    Theres only one way to..

    Rise in the Ranks of the WBT$..

    The WBT$ would like you to..

    You are now Worthy of WBT$ Rank and Position..

    ....................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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