Big Revolt Among CO, DO, Bethelites, and Branch Servant Likely

by frankiespeakin 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2
    I'm still hoping for a reform that will wash away the old oligarchy and their praetorian guard ...

    Here's to vain hoping.

    Unfortunately, the rot set in well over a lifetime ago. You do not dissolve concrete with rose water.

    Thank "Judge" Rutherford for setting the tone for the organization in the reckless 1920s - through thick and thin, this proud organization has perfected the heartless art of blocking its ears to the cries of human misery whilst poised to swiftly punish the mere whiff of independent thought.

  • PleiadesPoliceman

    We are part of a new special group dressed in black to bring back witnesses with information that's potentially harmful to Mother. Watching from the dark corners of the forum, I have my neuralyzer ready to erase any bad memories with the original joy any runners had when they learned this was the Truth!

  • frankiespeakin

    Will we see the rest of the old timers given the old heave-hoe in this next round of layoffs?

    I'm sure all these New Boy on the Governing Body want to improve there surrounding and don't want any lip from someone with more seniority at head quarters, not to mention the high cost of medical for the elderly and lower work out put of the aged it seems like job cuts arn't gonna wait till armageddon.

    Anthony Morris has a heart of stone as well as most GBs so expect no pity and no genuine gratitude from these CEOs in their efforts to cut costs and survive in this new information age, just expect cold and simple mathematics to determine who stays and who goes.

  • prologos

    job cuts arn't gonna wait till armageddon ?

    occording to July WT

    GB jobs will be cut prior to armageddon and transfered to the upstairs. just under the glass ceiling.

    move most activities to countries with publicly funded healthcare.

    it is not a revolt,

    it is revolting.

  • OneEyedJack

    very few will pay any attention to whats out there. do some cult research and you can understand why. its information control at its finest, or ugliest depending on how you look at it.

  • frankiespeakin

    Get ready for more downsizing.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    CO's and DO's waiting for their "reassignment papers"...

  • Quarterback

    The Substitute Co's are very busy as well. Since they have to support themselves with their own cars, insurance etc.. they are doing the bulk of the work.

  • williamhconley

    I seriously doubt a revolt among the top ranking worshippers of the GB will happen.

    Local elders or rank & file is more possible but not amongst top ass kissers here's why:

    1. Top dog JW's are in that position precisely because they worship the GB no matter what. Their sense of right and right is based on what the GB says. They have completely given up their conscience. Integrity has no real meaning neither does standing up for what is right but only if the GB approves of it. These top dogs have seen what happened to Ray Franz, the Malawi/ Mexico hypocrisy, the organ transplant prohibition, blood fraction ban and don't give a crap that many lives were lost or greatly affected. Yet they continue serving the GB.

    2. These prominent members have given their complete life most of them obeyed the prohibition against having children. Some even not marrying so now in old age to revolt would be admitting they lived a scam & sacrificed their lives in vain to delusional men. This reality is too painful so it's better for them to just continue the fantasy.

    3. Their livlihood & social life (friends & family) depend upon serving the delusional men in Brooklyn. The drunken, abusive, backstabbing power hungry Rutherford got away with murder because no one had the courage to confront him. The ones that did were ostracised and disgraced like the 4 majority board of directors, attorney Olin Moyle & Canadian branch overseer Walter Salter.


  • williamhconley

    I seriously doubt a revolt among the top ranking worshippers of the GB will happen.

    Local elders or rank & file is more possible but not amongst top ass kissers here's why:

    1. Top dog JW's are in that position precisely because they worship the GB no matter what. Their sense of right and right is based on what the GB says. They have completely given up their conscience. Integrity has no real meaning neither does standing up for what is right but only if the GB approves of it. These top dogs have seen what happened to Ray Franz, the Malawi/ Mexico hypocrisy, the organ transplant prohibition, blood fraction ban and don't give a crap that many lives were lost or greatly affected. Yet they continue serving the GB.

    2. These prominent members have given their complete life most of them obeyed the prohibition against having children. Some even not marrying so now in old age to revolt would be admitting they lived a scam & sacrificed their lives in vain to delusional men. This reality is too painful so it's better for them to just continue the fantasy.

    3. Their livlihood & social life (friends & family) depend upon serving the delusional men in Brooklyn. The drunken, abusive, backstabbing power hungry Rutherford got away with murder because no one had the courage to confront him. The ones that did were ostracised and disgraced like the 4 majority board of directors, attorney Olin Moyle & Canadian branch overseer Walter Salter.


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