Welcome Jack, I cannot wait to hear more of your experiences, that was a great intro by the way!
by Tech49 78 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome Jack, I cannot wait to hear more of your experiences, that was a great intro by the way!
Welcome Jack, from a ex-alcoholic Elder.
Sorry my original post was a little long winded, the words just seemed to keep flowing.
A little more about me to answer some of your questions:
No, Jack Harper is not my name, but an appropriate suedonym for my identity. Yes, after watching Oblivion, I found myself relating to Jack Harper, and his struggle to understand that all he knew was not as it seemed. See it if you haven't.
Location: United States, Western Half, thats all you get for today.
My wife and I are very close. We are best friends and have been married and faithful to one another for just over a quarter of a century (sounds cool if I say it like that!). Kids are teens, and we are all very tight. We talk about everything. Even when serving as an elder, I discussed most things with my wife. In alot of ways, she is smarter than me and so many others....most women are (too bad that so many are taken for granted.)! Our discussions in private about all things WT are "light". We quietly, gently, deftly dance around the real gist of our words, but we both know what the other is saying. TTATT. We see it. We keep it to ourselves. We are still "in", but things have changed dramatically for us over the last couple of years. We cannot deny that who we are has been molded and shaped by this organization and the people in it. Without a doubt, there are many good things that can be attributed to our "career". Turning in my "badge" was the best decision I have made in a long time. Things are so much quieter now, no responsibilities other than those under my own roof. Time to care for those who will truly return the love, and those who will show you the way. No, We can't just slam the door and walk away, but we CAN be awake and not be bullied around. It is what it is, I ask you all to respect that.
I prefer to think of myself, and my family by extension, as "observers" in a sense. I have seen many things, good and bad, and have little tolerance for hypocrisy, deception, and guilt-trips. For all the years we have poured out our blood and sweat to all things WT, pedal to the metal, we are tired. We are done giving our devotion to "men". I awoke from the fog in time... my family is in a happy, well-rounded place right now. It's been a journey to ever-so-gently steer this ship of ours out of stormy waters, and into the glass.
We are "coasting". If the wife and I want to go to the lake on a Saturday to catch some sun, or a fish, or take an extra morning off and sleep in on Sunday, we do. If I miss a meeting or 2 or 3 because I am working to provide for my family, so be it. No one in the house judges, no one points fingers or makes the other feel guilty for missing out on "spiritual food". I have paid too much attention to too many crazies for WAY too long. Its OUR turn now.
I took my foot off the gas, rolled the windows down, and am smelling the flowers..... Hey kids, look at the deer !!!
Nice follow up post!
Awesome Jack. You are the second ex-elder that is waking up and posting here for the first time in the last week...amazing.
BTW you have a PM from me- check it when you can!
Tech49- Welcome and great opening and follow up posts. It is nice to be in controll. Look forward to reading more. I too saw alot of what you describe, though I never served as a elder I did push alot of buttons and because of that I got to see and hear alot. to many confidences were broken, I came to know things I should not have known. But it never got me to drinking!!! I knew these were imperfections if men. But when i started investigating the Org. and thier Big LIE well that was it for me.!!
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)
Welcome to the Monkey House Jack!
Nice openers by the way.
Jack I'm glad you are here. Wish I knew you in person so we could get together and chat. With teens and your life I respect your decision to stay an observer. For me, I had a young one that I could either raise as a witness and have to lie or I could get out and raise without the lies. In my case it's the best, I can understand though with kids already grown you don't face the same decision I did.
Have you talked with your kids or tried to help them think critically? Encouraged extra schooling or other things?
I love that you value your family so much.
What a different viewpoint from the way the FDS viewed family togetherness--all allegiance to the Slave would make the bond indestructable. Unless someone quit pledging allegiance to the Slave--then they are left out of the family.
I am glad you are all together and getting free. I hope all goes well!