Did Jesus Use Gods Personal Name?

by Comatose 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tenyearsafter

    QC...I am surprised they never changed the NWT rendering of that scripture to Jehovah instead of Father.

  • GromitSK

    All he said was "this fish is good enough for Jehovah"...

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    There is no biblical reference to Jesus ever using his Father's name. Eloah, Elohim, or El were mostly titles, not names.

    Jesus did make a reference to himself as Yahweh when he told the Jews, "...before Abraham was, I AM." This was tantamount to saying, "Before Abraham was, I was Jehovah." This was not lost on the Jews and they immediately took up stones to kill him for his blasphemy.

    As the intercessor between the Father and Man, Jehovah was the lawgiver and the God of Israel. He was not the Father.

  • extractor

    Jesus used God's name...for himself.

    Exodus 3:13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” God said to Moses, “I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

    John 8:58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

    John 18:6 When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.

  • QC


    You are buying into fourth century theology which is contaminated. This explains it.

  • extractor

    @ QC

    Yes, I've read all of that before... in the Watchtower.

  • QC


    Like a dead clock, right twice a day, JWs (like most religions) can have some things correct.

    But we know at their core they have an agenda that’s toxic; it is a facade, a religious kabuki real-estate empire with few smattering of truth.


    So what do we do about this? We simply collect and believe all the nuggets of truth, avoid the false religious agenda traps, and serve God faithfully. It does take diligence.

    This is how all the faithful "saints" in the past did it. Such faithful are gathered in God spiritual temple and rewarded.

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