Slim, that is a interesting point! I don't think Jesus Christ is almighty God and I don't think he was just a angel created by his Father. It's one of those areas that nobody can be certain over this issue. The older scriptures in Isaiah point to Jesus as "Eternal Father" and "Mighty God", what if God created Jesus with a higher level than the highest angel? A creation we are not told about who is given the status of some kind of god after proving himself?
I no longer believe anyone will die for not believing or getting it exactly right what Jesus is? I know he is the First of Creation, what he was before he was exalated, it would be nice to know but it's not a life or death question the Watchtower make's it out to be. I enjoy Dr. Barts books and will probably read it and than read Dr. Wallace's remarks on his book. Thanks for bring this book to our attention!
Slim, it's people like you who bring out great topics and discussions I could never have at the Kingdom Hall because they were too busy reading the dumb-down versions of the liter-a-trash the organization printed. Thank's Slim!