No More Money!
by Hold Me-Thrill Me 34 Replies latest jw friends
I personally feel that donating funds to someone truly in need who will be appreciative is far more meaningful than donating to a vaguely defined scheme the keepers of which never actually produce transparent financial reports for donors to see where their funds are actually going. -
Hold Me-Thrill Me
I will, though, continue giving money to those in the congregation who are in need. To widows who are in financial difficulty, to brothers and sisters who have lost their job or who can only find part time work.
I have done the same long time.
But think about this:
If I give my money to a JW - he always give a big thank you to JHWH in his prayers.
He always thinks, JHWH gave him the money.
So for me it makes no longer sense to give my money to a JW.
Maybe he will blame JHWH for having not enough money.
Just my 2 cents.
did you see the happy video from bethel, they had dentists etc on the video (i wonder if the 900 people who work at bethel have to pay for their dental care) also it looked like they had cobblers there as well. would they let any old or sick poblishers from new york to have free dental care at bethel?????? -
Frank, I've been reading your posts for a while. I don't believe in Christianity anymore, but if there was such a thing as a genuine Christian, I think you would be one of them. -
I am no longer giving money period. Yes, that includes the Kingdom Hall upkeep......HM TM
Esse quam videri
I will, though, continue giving money to those in the congregation who are in need. To widows who are in financial difficulty, to brothers and sisters who have lost their job or who can only find part time work.
Tell them they get the money under the condition that they do not give it to anyone else. Anyone or any organization. I stopped giving change to street people when I realized most of them smoked. At first I would tell them not to spend it on cigarettes. They always promised. Right. They may have kept my money, but they still spent 10 bucks for a pack of smokes. Where did that money come from? Obviously from another schmuck.
Brokeback Watchtower
Great news! Now if we can only get back what we gave to them in the past o well maybe a nice class action lawsuit to try and recuperate what else they took from us.
What a great attitude! Giving to people who actually need it. I still consider myself a Christian and am struggling with ways to express this. The Watchtower view of charity is give us your money and move those mags. As was already mentioned, the lack of transparency, sending brothers to investment seminars, and not wanting directed donations, is a real turn off! -
watchtower free, I like the image. It came from the movie "Legend" didn't it?
I also agree that contributions should cease immediately. I was taken for a lot of money initially. After my daughter died, I think I was desperate to believe she would come back somehow.
I was really taken in, when in fact, I needed to "time out' and get some perspective on the loss and grief. I gave freely, then I stopped at some stage. It was due to the way I dressed and the criticisms aimed at me. My minister for Theocratic School is a famous man. He was and still is.....with the Shadows, the band that played with Cliff Richard. He was an ass and so pompous. He would take me to task for not having kingdom like dress codes applied in my life. I was busy trying to pay off my unit and stay afloat, This jerk has a stable of cars and money pouring out of his .....various exits....... I had a sense of humour and wanted to ask questions.... This was all very no. Some where inside of me I felt they were a cold bunch of people, for the chosen ones that is... I was confused and hurt.
My family have given thousands upon thousands to the org. They were asked for more and they gave it....How unscrupulous of them........I'm starting to really dislike them in a way I never thought possible. No more money from me....