Hi Gojira:
I've read this great book called " Kiss That Frog" by Brian Tracy. It's such a wonderful book because it helps you to turn the negatives into positives. It's a very easy book to read the chapters are short. I tend to be negative with things, and now I'm learning to be more positive with things and it has really helped me to move ahead in my life and to get out of the bubble. Even though I wasn't raised in the organization I was a very active publisher until last year when I left. So I can see whwere you were coming from. I don't know if you tend to get depressed like I do or not. A sister told me one time that B vitamins can help. So I tried them and it did help me out. So I try to take them on a regular basis. Hope this is helpful to you. The video will be the best thing you can do to free yourself it will be like a weight off your shoulders.