I would love to file an emotional distress lawsuit of some sort against the WT. Since my husbands return envolvement 2 years ago my documented mental health problems have gotten steadly worse. This past weekend I started drinking after 17 years sober, a sucicide attempt that put me in a private psych hosiptal. Anyone?????
Lawsuit maybe?
by KariOtt 33 Replies latest watchtower medical
Oh my darling I was so sorry to read this.... I know it is hard to exit the WT without some back lash
But drinking isnt going to help. As You know I am MOUTHY, & say what I think You also know I am 86
so figure I am talking to you like a GRANNY! I know you feel so down but suicide is NOT the answer
So here is all I can do for you sweetie. Dont get angry at me. PLEASE!!!!
" Dear Heavenly Father you know what is going on in KariOTT heart, She is hurting so badly.
I KNOW you LORD, Because you helped me when I felt like her after I left the WT.
So MY LORD I am leaving her in YOUR ARMS!!!!! PLEASE GUIDE HER< LEAD HER,Direct her to
call on you But PLEASE BE WITH HER ...I ask this plea in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST AMEN"I am going to be watching your responses every moment KariOTT...((((HUG))))
Mouthy Grace
I would love to see it happen.
I would love an en-masse lawsuit.
I would love to 'let loose the hounds of Hell' on the Wt and see it ripped to shreds for it's crimes against humanity.
I spent over 100K on out-patient therapy in the first 6 years after i left. I would love to recoup that
gasp !!
Mouthy thank you for your prayer. I am not nor will I ever become a Witness. Its my hubby that was in for 10 years hoping to solve his marital problems. He left and was out for 19 years because he " got tired of it all" Then the tornados in Alabama April 27,2011a group came around as we were cleanning debree and salvaging what we could. They were offering one of their so called bible studies. He admitted to them that he was baptized and inactive. Somehow they found our house and my hubby would stand in the kitchen and have me lie saying he wasn't home. He didn't want to get involved again. They were rentless. Then he came home one day and said he was going to take his sister to the meetings on Sunday only. That was 18 months ago. Now he's involved 3 days a week and trying to get privagless to go out in service another 2-3 days a week.
Band on the Run
Generally, it is difficult to sue for emotional distress. As a lawyer, I suggest you see a lawyer for a consultation. General advice is too general. Facts matter deeply in law. If the facts change, the answer may change. Also, each state, territory and the federal government has its own set of laws. There is another field of law dedicated to resolving the conflicts of competing jurisdiction. They use the term "Conflicts."
Especially in these economic times, lawyers are more willing than ever to find clients. I found that in my local area most lawyers will offer a free forty-five minute consultation. You may need to pay up front or sign a contingency fee agreement (the lawyer typically receives one third of the award). Most people can decide whether to go further during the forty-five minutes.
If you decide to retain a lawyer, organize your papers yourself. You want to pay for legal time not organizational or secretarial time. The lawyer guides the interview. I try to keep the lid on too much chit chat.
Any disputes can usually be resolved at the local bar organization level.
Internet advice is not a good thing.
Kari - can you put your foot down and say, no way is this happening again, I will not stand for it all over again ?
Lost ... I wasn't married to him the first go around. I am his 3rd wife. Plus I would never give him that kind of ultimative. It would only build resentment later. He is the only one in the world I don't want to end up hating. For better or worse. Part of my marrage vows. They mean a lot to me.
Oh thanks for explaining... Old age is me! so I guess I get mixed up.
BUT> I dont think it would be any good to sue the WT .I went to Vicky Boers
court case, & their lawyers LIE!!!! The Faithful & Discreet Slave( the wt) are toldthey do NOT have to tell the truth to those who dont deserve it.(Anyone that is NOT a JW dont deserve it)
Glen Howe was one of their Lawyers,( since died) But he was a BRILLIANT lawyer who KNEW
he didnt tell the truth...Just keep on loving the hubby show him TRUE love