Lawsuit maybe?

by KariOtt 33 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • LisaRose

    Rather than waste time, money and energy on a lawsuit that may or may not get the results you want, put that energy into getting yourself well and your marriage. That is harsh, but we all have been hurt by this religion, so we know the damage it can cause. I chose to move on in my life and focus on new friends and a new life. You cannot control your husband, he has chosen to allow this manipulation, that is his problem. You can only choose how you react. Rise above and be the person you know you can be. He is weak, you must be strong.

  • sarahsmile


    I never take suicide cry for help as an untruth. Like someone said your going to end your life because of your husband.

    The only thing I was trying to point out is that I hope you get some help.

    We are not there with you and hope you call 911.

    Also, how are you going to deal with your husband when he leaves you? Are stops buying cigs and pot for you?

    Be prepared and try to become stable.

    My friends ex wife was a bi polar and when things did not go her way she reacted. Threaten to kill herself and she was not smoking pot. He just could not take it any more and had to divorce her.

    Some of us appear harsh but just hope you think before doing something like that sucide. Call 911 talk to someone near you.

    You depend on your husband too much and so others are thorwing hints that apear hurtful but truthful. Kind of nice of them.

    Also I did read your other post out of concern. That is why I let you know JWs are not bound and can divorce a non beliver without adultry. They are not bound let non believers go in peace. One never knows why a husband suddenly does his life different.Ask him.

    I am not calling you liar at all. But why would your husband tell JWs he is buying your smokes?

    What did he gain by sharing that info? I do not ever recall that was a reason elders used to prevent someone from going door to door.

    You write things and some might conclude Oh NO he is trying to get her to react.

    I an going to suggest something.

    Do not react. Do not by into your husbands new found religion

    Change the game.

    Really I believe he is either going to leave you and your actions wil prove him right. Do you understand?or he is going to leave the borg.

    Let me clarify he is doing things so you will react. When you react he will set you up while he looks like the good guy. Typical.

    Change the game to your favor. There is reasons why he is telling people about buying your cigs.

    I might appear harsh but I really can not blame the borgs for all of this fear you are having.

    There are many wives who love their husband and if they want to attend meetings they jump in. And smile and wben he leaves guess what? There wives smile at his decision to leave.

    I went back got reinstated then left. It takes time and right now I think your husband might be going through some shock. You said you lost your home.Maybe he feels hope by attending meetings. I am just saying wait it out without any reaction to his actions. Smile because someone is hoing to make him mad. Bottom line he is in a no win situation.

    Instead of reacting to his new found or old religion do the oppisite. Also, I know by what you wrote that you love him. And that is the secret. Make sure that he is having the best time with you. And I realize you said you had a nervous break down. That makes it hard on both of you. He just might think that the you have changed and he is feeling fearful. But it is double hard on gou to reason thfough his bull.

    Do you still feel suicidal?

    Concerned heartless person wants to know?

    Hope the above helps and hope your feeling better this week.

    Also for other people I doubt that amything I wrote would push her buttons to actually go and hurt herself.

    Now who is being harsh!

  • steve2

    Anonymity can bring out shades of the worst in any of us - but it doesn't have to. Who here has not sought some kind of help in the past, recently or even currently? It is not even a question of which, if any "side" of this thread is right (and which is wrong). I'd suggest there is a world of difference between offering harsh, perhaps even unwelcome advice on the one hand, and, on the other, aggressively accusing the help-seeker of controversial intent and goading her on little more that a hunch derived from a long time contribution to this forum. I am closer to Nathan's opinion than I am to those who unquestioningly offer this poster empathy; however, I am disappointed Nathan has chosen to verbalize that opinion in the needlessly disrespectful way he has, especially by his adamant allegations against a woman who has disclosed a high level of personal heartache and vulnerability. If Nathan hasn't violated posting rules, his seeming nearness to doing so appears very striking.

  • sir82

    Religions, JW and non-JW, have been screwing people over, mentally, physically, and emotionally, for (quite literally) THOUSANDS of years.

    There is nothing special about JWs in this regard. There are some religions that screw people over far worse than the JWs do.

    How many lawsuits for "emotional distress" have you read about, that have been successfully pursued against ANY religion?

    That's what I thought.

    So why would you think a lawsuit against JWs would fare any better?

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