Are there people who have returned

by His Excellency 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • His Excellency
    His Excellency

    Considering all the consequences of leaving the organization (especially the loss of family), some who have already known TTAT have decided to return and continue with the flow just to keep their families and friend.

    My question is if anyone here had tried it and how they have been managing living a lie constantly day-after-day?, as I am seriously considering returnning back to the full routine.

  • WingCommander

    Why give yourself a mental break-down? Are you a glutton for punishment? I weep for your freedom and sanity of mind.

    - Wing Commander

  • sosoconfused

    You will return if you want... you will never be the same. You will feel disgusted with yourself.

    But you may be able to deal with that disgust and bear it.

    You can not unlearn the Truth about the Truth...

    Your prayers change

    Your thinknig process changes

    Your goals change.

    You can ignore those feelings for awhile, but eventually they will plague you.

    How will you return fully to a routine that you know is based on falsehood? You might do it physically, but emotionally and spiritually you will not be there

  • Londo111

    I know of one instance where a person knew TTATT, but the power of mind control and emotional blackmail was so great, they “repented” and began to shun their fellow “apostates”. Not to quote word by word, but they said in their final email, ‘We were wrong—so what that the brothers got a date wrong?’

    The strings of family shunning, then giving them a conditional bit of attention, can be strong. Never underestimate the power of mind control.

  • His Excellency
    His Excellency

    There seems to be no way out. A freedom one can't share with close family members and especially with one's wife cannot be fully enjoyed.

  • wasblind

    His Excellency,

    I'll say this, and it's somethin' you may not WANT to relate to

    but it's the same thing , in a brand new day, all dressed up as a religion

    to avoid bein' prosecuted under the law which now prohibits slavery

    You ain't alone. Some emancipated slaves return to thier masters

    Why ???? Not because they liked bein' a slave. But it was all they ever knew

    They had been restricted in so many things, for so long. It was hard to adjust

    to new found freedom

    And before the emancipation, many who had the opportunity to flee

    stayed. Again, not because they liked bein' a slave. But for the sake of thier loved ones

    Like the slaves, Jehovah's Witnesses do not have the freedom to make a choice to leave this religion without repercussions

    Unlike the slaves , you have more avenues of oportunity open to you


  • Honesty

    You will either drive yourself crazy trying to justify the reason you are pretending to believe that shit

    or it will drive you to suicide.

  • His Excellency
    His Excellency

    wasblind- The travails of leaving are far more complicated than you can imagine

    The freedom of leaving would have been far more enjoyable when you can share it with your wife and other family members..

    But if you are unsuccessful at doing this, the only option available is to just hang around in the lie. Is though very very difficult, but there seems to be no other option than to lead the double life.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    I was born and raised in the"truth" left in the mid eighties lost everything. I could not consider going back for any reason. Do yourself a favour and don't go back most people cannot live a perpetual lie and maintain their sanity. The ones who can are in my oppinion deranged and I know some of them I think their scary people.

  • Sapphy

    It's not really living a double life, it's living half a life, half alive.

    Never being able to express what you really think.

    But it can be done. A respected poster on here, Gumby, went back in so he could maintain a relationship with his kids and grandkids. I hope he's ok.

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