I went back after a successful year-long fade. It was like going back to prison after having a short time of freedom. it was full on. judicial committee followed by weekly visits from the elders. Tried going on service and felt like the biggest hypocrite. Nearly two years later, I'm now well along into my second fade and it is much more difficult second time around. Already had a call from an elder this morning before work! by all means go back if you think you can believe it again but if not you're in for an unhappy ride.
Are there people who have returned
by His Excellency 33 Replies latest jw friends
There was a woman who was df'd, but she got herself reinstated for the purpose of going back in to get her grown daughter out of it. Her plan worked, though it took her lots of patience and some time. She wrote a book about the experience:
http://www.amazon.com/Going-Undercover-Rescue-My-Daughter/dp/0941813053 -
HIS EXCELLENCY- It is a very difficult position to be in for sure. However- You need to ask yourself " Are you willing to be in a slave serving condition " once you go back to the Witnesses ? Because that's exactly what you and your wife will have- no freedom of mind, serving as WT slaves the rest of your lives with false promises and lies to hold onto. You and her will die of old age like most of us with no alleged " paradise " hope. It doesn't exist. It's an unreality that the WT Society has promised you to keep you and your wife hooked into a decetful scheme so they ( WT Society ) can make money off of your devotion ! $$$$
Here's a thought- How about having an honest heart to heart talk and discussion with your wife and lay out your concerns and doubts on the table to her ? At least if you are careful you may still be able to fade. not attend meetings, and still stay married to her if you want ? It's not really a black & white issue here if you don't want it to be . You can stay with your married JW partner- just be cautious and respectful about what you say. There are plenty of JWN members doing that still as I write this. Think about it. You can have part of your cake and eat it too. You don't HAVE to put yourself totally back into misery and betray what you feel inside. As someone said here " it will tear you up inside " to go back. Just my 2 cents. But hell- it's your life you're going to do what you're going to do - we are just explaining options to you. I wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Truth seeker 674
His Excellency
Its your life do what you can live with. I'd wish you luck but I would'nt want to set a place for you with the god of good luck. LOL
Go to utube and listen to Martin Luther Kings- "I have a dream speach" close your eyes and contemplate I am sure you'll make your mind up do what you can live with.