7 graphs that prove America is overrated

by Simon 152 Replies latest social current

  • BluePill2

    DOC: I love your comments, they are mostly balanced and have "something". I have a balanced view about America, as an European that lived there for a couple of years.

    I just need to add that the generation of Americans that fought WW2 is not the same that is now acting in behalf "of the free world". Matter of fact, the US has to watch not to become a nation with a "fascist tarnish" (too much military, control, paranoia and religious bullshit). We all love America for what it has given the world - personally, when I lived there - loved the "American" art of "yes we can do it" (not as some Obama parole) but like in: "Going to the moon?" Yep. "Creating a worldwide network of computers?" Yep. And stuff like that. I just hope that more of that American spirit prevails over the "dumbed-down, Bible thumbing cowboy"-spirit.

    I don't think you can justify present military spending with a good act that lies almost 70 years ago. In the meantime there was Vietnam, Afghanistan, Irak and some other "minor conflicts" that where not comparable to fighting Hitler. I might be wrong. Maybe some of these dictators could have become the "next Hitler", but I have my doubts.

  • besty
  • Simon

    The idea that hard work is rewarded is a fallacy. You have much better prospects if you're born into money, can go to the best university etc...

    Of course, it's promoted as a reality because the corporates and governments need all those hard-working, earnest, striving Americans to do their work, buy their goods and pay their taxes.

    What the chart is suggesting is that on the whole, the American people don't get a great deal back and get a raw deal. Sure, some may break through and become the 'American dream' but it's just enough to keep the idea of the dream alive, not enough to be significant.

    Maybe Americans are happy for life to be more of a lottery with winner-take-all outcomes for the lucky few? Europe seems to favour more of a social / balanced approach.

  • besty

    check out the theatlantic.com link above Simon

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Oh Simon.....you are so much like the Watchtower it isn't even funny anymore.

  • LongHairGal


    Normally, I hate political and national posts because of what they bring out in certain people.

    I love my country and the ideals of freedom and opportunity. Other countries may have a better deal (vacation time, etc.) but they are smaller with much less of a population. I don't think the comparisons are fair.

    While there are charities and social programs here, there are many abuses, as some have pointed out. We also have broken borders (in case you haven't noticed). Some want to turn this into a third-world toilet and in some areas they are succeeding. I have heard ungrateful remarks from S.O.B.s who would be starving somewhere. Meanwhile, my people were thankful to come here.

    Because of this we have more crime and lots of social ills. We have a bad economy because our leaders have sold us out and allowed jobs to be "offshored" for several decades, not to mention special visas given to those who can come in and work for less, thus putting somebody else out of work.

    I would like to see some of these situations reversed and my country to get on track again.

    Simon, Canada is a beautiful place and I wouldn't wish some of these problems on you. If some of the bastards who live here decide to migrate north, brace yourselves. You just might find YOURSELF armed!

  • HarryMac

    <--- Canadian

    <--- Lives in North Yorkshire half the time.

    Sick to death of people in UK thinking that because I'm Canadian I hate the U.S.... I don't. I like America just fine.

    My default position is to side with Britain... sorry ... just the way it is for me... but on the other hand... stfu about America!

    My observations...

    'Americans are fat'... oh, not said by the fatties (and there's quite a few).

    'Americans are stupid morons that go to church'... not said by those going to church on Sunday.

    'Americans don't travel'... well, yeah, they don't as much when it costs way, way more than 60GBP to get to a whole different culture. Consider yourselves fortunate that way. When I was at an outdoor ice rink in London... how people skated... was so very sad. Of course I would think that, wouldn't I? Do I think that anybody that can't ice skate is an absolute moron.... no, it's a result of culture based on geography.

    ... etc...

    I will say this.. I think there's a cultural difference at play here. The English do lots of critisizing their own country in a way that Americans may not understand at first glance... it would seem 'unpatriotic' to them.

    Finally, if I could speak Norwegian I know where I'd be.

  • Simon
    Because of this we have more crime and lots of social ills. We have a bad economy because our leaders have sold us out and allowed jobs to be "offshored" for several decades, not to mention special visas given to those who can come in and work for less, thus putting somebody else out of work.

    I think the issues caused by immigrants are less than portrayed - they fill a lot of jobs that others don't want to do. We see a lot of Philopenos up here and they are lovely people, hard working, always smiling and friendly even if they may be doing a crappy job.

    I think the way the leaders and their corporate buddies have plundered America and the American people is the biggest problem. It's like you're being robbed at gun-point but a sizeable chunk want to praise the robbers industry while they are doing it.

    I don't understand it.

  • BluePill2

    Good points HarryMac.

    Finally, if I could speak Norwegian I know where I'd be.

    And I raise you this:

    It seems that the North of Europe is pretty depressed nowadays...I bet I can find statistical data for any country that shows "how shitty Life is".


  • HarryMac

    hhmm, well in the UK it's lots of alcohol... North America it's prescription anxiety medication. meh, we're all drugged, lol.

    Disclaimer: Don't quote me on this.


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