The idea that hard work is rewarded is a fallacy. You have much better prospects if you're born into money, can go to the best university etc...
Like Obama. Born into that rich Hawaiian family.........or was it Kansas? Rich family sent the boy to Harvard (of all places).........but because he was black he never amounted to anything.
Oh that's all wrong. As Steve Martin would say: He was born a poor black child. Affirmative action (only in America) as well as his intellect and grades got him into the prestigious college and low-and-behold he rose to be Leader of the Free World. I don't care what party of politics you follow, it's an American success story. (Compare that to George W and how he made it into Yale & Harvard. Can you say Bu$h family fortune?)
Now go into any Asian restaurant, or privately owned hotel (Patel Hotels) and you will see the American Dream. No they are NOT even Americans, but somehow every asian or indian or pakistani individual who comes to this country manages to find the "American" Dream. HOW? They work their butts off. They live in the back of the restaurant or in the hotel. They work two shifts. They are studious and smart and creative and entrepreneurial. Unemployed American citizens sit on their ass and complain that someone isn't giving them a job (the government? private business? whose responsibility is it?). Mexico had to bow out of the Olympics because every Mexican who could run, jump, or swim is in the US making a living by working their butt off doing the tasks that Americans won't perform.
Sorry, I disagree. A man who is willing to work hard, will always have a job.
Peace & respect.