Carbon dating and the Global Flood - links needed

by wizzstick 91 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty

    James Brown - Well done on accepting the facts about St Helens. You are of course wise to be cautious but try to avoid cynicism.

    Please read Wien's article thoroughly and ask as many questions as you want but please listen more carefully and thoughtfully to the answers.

  • cantleave

    I can see from Wein that there are posibly problems with the creationist results based on The argon dating method. I don't know if they were trying to trick the labatory or they were all just working with the information at the time. So I will quit my previous arguments regarding that and the Mt. St. Helens Lava. I will have to read digest and better understand Weins article to reacess my thoughts on circular reasoning and confirmation bias regarding the dating methods.

    hopefully this maybe the first sign of you showing some humility . Maybe that may help you understand that 6 years of study have left me with a bit more than "nothing"!

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