This is the stupidity that James Brown references to, to dispel the accuracy of radio carbon dating.
It is clear that radioisotope dating is not the ‘gold standard’ of dating methods, or ‘proof’ for millions of years of Earth history. When the method is tested on rocks of known age, it fails miserably. The lava dome at Mount St Helens is not a million years old! At the time of the test, it was only about 10 years old. In this case we were there—we know! How then can we accept radiometric-dating results on rocks of unknown age? This challenges those who promote the faith of radioisotope dating, especially when it contradicts the clear eyewitness chronology of the Word of God.
Mount Saint Helen's erupted 10 years ago so the rocks are only 10 years old. .... good grief
The Stupidity is called a double blind test. That is what it was and the dating methods failed.
If you would have been paying attention in 7th grade Science you would know that.