OMG Thank you so much for the nice words. I am an artist and I am SO insecure about everything anyway (LOL) so I was really scared about putting this story out there. So thank you, and please feel free to share with anyone who might be fighting with what they are feeling biologically verses what they are being told is right. And I hope the human emotion and common relatability come through... despite the gay stuff.
@Julia Orwell This is all real and happened to me. I first wrote everything down in "movie script" format about a year or so after it happened so I could remember conversations that took place and the emotions of the scenes. and then about 10 years later when I was mentally able to make a connective story through two very different parts of my life (Houston/The Farm) then I sat down and started writing. It is in 3rd person and written in real time (as if it were happening now) because that was a very VERY different James and creating the story I decided the writer should be the observer and not the participant. It also allowed me to go through a bit of JW dogma and beliefs objectively and not come across as if I personally were attacking them.
@darth frosty It is amazing how the memory worked, but THAT quote was the worst face I had ever seen on my father, and it was so confusing... and as described here the golden child is acused of... apostacy really... it was hard for him to start that conversation, and or that it was difficult to digest. Like, I'm okay now... LOL, but I forgot how heavy that conversation was. it was all so bizaare. and I BEGGED to read that letter. They wouldn't let me anywhere near it.
@jwfacts " The place was soul sapping, a cult version of Stepford Wives. Despite many nice people, there was an equal amount of weirdos and the power hungry." That is an excellent way to describe things. The people who were so used to the day to day routine and basically living their life looking at their shoes, never looking up... are best described as "weirdos". Seriously. Both those sentences hit the nail on the head. And thank you for the complement.
@ Heartofaboy If you want the REAL gayness, it's all in the first part of the book where there's a dungeon master and crack orgy (LOL). The reason why s because I had (and this is real) this idea that I was going to go out and find problems with the world... especially the gay world... and that I would be "scared straight" and for such be able to focus on Bethel with more conviction. The more I got involved, the more about humanity I was learning, from gay and straight men and women. I realized that we all have the same emotions and feelings... we are not any different in our emotional triggers and so I described them as such. things like (in chapter 13) 1 Cor. 7:9 never made sense to me for the first time... stuff like that. But seriously, first part... pretty f'n gay hahaha!