Me. 2 weeks on.

by wizzstick 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    Thanks for the update Wizzstick, and I am really glad you are "making the truth your own" (LOL) by researching, and using your excellent brain to think things through.

    I was particularly impressed by this bit of reasong of yours :

    " If Satan wasn't created Satan, and only became Satan over what he did in Eden, then how could he have influenced things pre 4000BCE? Why would he have influenced such things? Afterall he wasn't Satan at that point! What things? Things like the carbon 14 levels 50,000 years ago. Man made settlements. Neanderthals. "

    Good one !

    Keep up the good work, be careful, and remember, whatever problems you are finding we are all here for you.

  • slimboyfat

    I was sort of only joking about addictive like crack cocaine, although it's hard to know with me sometimes, I can never tell.

    But fact is I am still at the meeting 13 years on. WHY?

    Dont make my mistake wizzstick, get out as early and as young as you can.

  • StAnn

    Dearie, once you get over being overwhelmed, you need to research how the Bible was written. The first 10-11 chapters of Genesis (11?) aren't meant to be taken literally. They are written in the form of myth. So not only is the story of Noah's Ark not literal, neither is the story of Adam and Eve. Thus, if the story of Adam and Eve merely represented early man, Satan was Satan a long, long time ago. Honestly, if there were an actual garden of Eden in which God walked around, don't you think there would be evidence of it?

    Don't mean to distract from your thread. I remember being shocked when I read CoC. Especially the Malawi debacle. I remember writing letters to the leaders of Malawi asking the persecution of JWs be stopped! I also remember an older woman who suddenly became one of the anointed. She said she was a replacement for the ones at Bethel who went "apostate." I'd bet there was one of those in every congregation.

    Your post has brought up so many memories for me. Your response is completely natural and normal. Don't let yourself get too stressed, if possible.

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