Denis Goldberg says he visited on Monday and he looked alright.
Nelson Mandela passes
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The grand ol man is improving say his team of doctors
He really is gone this time...
Stand for Pure Worship
Yeah, it's official. R.I.P. 95 years old.
I was watching a documentary on South Africa under Apartheid rulers and there was film footage of a young Nelson Mandela fighting the fight.
He really grew as a philosopher and statesman especially in how he saw reconciliation taking place between all races and parties.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Even when someone is 95 years old and death is expected, it is still a shock.
I just read his Bio. I did not realize his son died in 2005 of AIDS.
How sad.
R.I.P. Nelson Mandela.
Mandela's speech on optimism for humans is inspirational. He speaks about being tested to the breaking point but would not give up on his idealism for everyone.
His first wife was converted to jws after their marriage. She divorced him for adultery and b/c he was political. I checked Wiki on both him and her and the jws aspect is really played down. Does anyone know if any of his children from first marriage became jws?