Design or Non-Design, finally we know, Darwin's Doubt

by QC 371 Replies latest jw friends

  • JonathanH

    The book has already been ripped apart by actual biologists that aren't young earth creationists.

    The ID crowd lives in the same bubble the witnesses do, constantly being told that evolution is dying, it's been proven false, scientists are rising up against it, nobody can agree on it, it is a sinking ship, ect ect. Yet they never do actual research, publish any articles, find any ways to even begin verifying their counter "hypothesis" and instead spend all their time telling each other what a great success they've been, and occasionally writing a "pop science" book, and each time claiming that it is earth shattering and has put the final nail in darwin's coffin. They trudge up the same handful of people with PhDs to comment on how ground breaking this latest book is, even though it is yet another rehash of information that can largely be found in the "life how did it get here, by evolution or creation" book with a new coat of paint. Meanwhile evolutionary biologists publish actual scientific articles and findings by the thousands not even in the least bit affected by the exceedingly small "ID" group. They have been touting the end of "Darwinism" for decades, and just like armaggedon it never shows up.

    Evolutionary Biologists spend millions doing actual research, the Discovery Institute spends millions on PR campaigns, never actually researching anything.

  • QC

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    That would be the lesson if there were any new information available. Instead we have the same old crap from creationists.

    I'm not hysterical, I'm quite chill actually. Relaxing in air conditioning with a nice glass of bourbon.

    You still haven't answered any of my/our questions. Please do, I'm waiting.

  • jgnat

    I got myself to the Cambrian period and the debate that surrounds it. There were similar "explosions" of diversification for plants during the Devonian period and flowering plants during the Cretaceous period. Do ID folks have an explanation for this?

  • cofty
    Do ID folks have an explanation for this?

    Oh yes! god did it - an intelligent disigner did it.

  • QC

    Hi jg, you're a doll.

    There were similar "explosions" of diversification

    Great point!

    Yes, this is the take away for the fossil record. Life on earth arrives in abrupt burst, various plants, animals, etc., and then humans.

    Over and over again it reminds us Evolution gradualism and transmutation as well as mud puddle magic (abiogenesis) is NOT in the fossil record.

    So, DNA and Epigenetic INFORMATION loom large as the answer, the key way to explain the various life assimilations.


  • EntirelyPossible

    Yes, this is the take away for the fossil record. Life on earth arrives in abrupt burst, various plants, animals, etc., and then humans.

    Oh? Is that the lesson? What credible paper have you published showing this? What are your credentials? Why does what you say completely disagree with known and observable science? In what sense is 70 million+ years "abrupt"?

    Over and over again it reminds us Evolution gradualism and transmutation as well as mud puddle magic (abiogenesis) is NOT in the fossil record.

    Evolution is all over the fossil record. God/ID/magic/woo is what is missing.

    Look at this! A dinosaur with feathers, and they even know what color the feathers were. A fossil with both bird and dinosaur characteristics. Evolution. Not ID, not god, not magic. Reality, whether you like it or not.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious
    Over and over again it reminds us Evolution gradualism and transmutation as well as mud puddle magic (abiogenesis) is NOT in the fossil record.

    How you expect there would be micro organisms in the fossil record?

    QC I curious about your thoughts on the Cambrian explosion before this book came out with its cartoons and non-science. Did you feel the same way, or did your thorough education in evolution still leave you unconvinced? Did you accept the fact of evolution before, after being thoroughly educated about it?

    Or will you just continue to avoid reading or replying to us 'acceptors of facts and reality' thus showing yourself even more ignorant?

  • bohm

    what this discussion is like:

    except QC would not have seen the documentary...

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Lol @ bohm

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