Circuit visit (top secret) video presentation

by slimboyfat 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillin

    Gasp! Does this mean that you weren't excited about the phenomenal growth and cutting-edge technology that our great Organization toots it's horn about?

    i also have seen this presentation and found that I had to hide my cynicism afterwards while the rest of the congregation was loss?

  • Bobcat

    See my post 845 here. I used a pen that has an audio & video recorder in it. It also has a dim yellow activity light on the back which I put a piece of electrical tape over.

    The pen has a 4G memory. I believe I got a good audio of the DVD, but it kept turning itself off during the Service Talk after the WT. I had failed to recharge it the previous night and it was turning itself off due to lack of battery power. It was really the first time I had used it. To tell you the truth, I haven't really listened to the audio recording to see if it is good. The DVD was rather unremarkable, beyond some interesting footage of Africa, S. America, and N America, and their respective peoples.

    Their was an interesting take on Acts 2:11, the phrase "speaking in our tongues" seems to be the basis of the presentation, with the emphasis on presenting the good news in the mother tongue of the hearer.

    The "secret" presentation was . . . what can I say . . . I think it was 'not-to-be-recorded' in order to maintain expectation for other congregations who had yet to see it. That's my impression anyway. There was nothing 'secret' to the presentation itself.

    If their is any 'secret' to their translating, it is that they are translating the Bible from the English NWT only. Those shown translating were only consulting dictionaries in their own language, not Hebrew and Greek. So they are probably under instructions not to question the accuarcy of the English translation. (Narkissos and Leolaia have many good posts on this subject. One day I might make it a 'study project' just to peruse their posts.)

  • gingerbread

    It came clear to me that this video is a promotional piece for the 'non-profit' WTBTS.

    The message is that our donations are being used to spread the 'good news' into every nook and cranny around the globe. Sure it's emotional. The producers did this on purpose - to rally the 'troops' in developed countries to increase their commitment to the Org.'s cause through volunteerism and increasing donations.

    It's presentation, during the visit of the area representative of the WTBTS, implies that the film is VERY important and coming directly from 'the slave' (corporate headquarters).

    Perhaps it's in circulation because the Society is expecting tremendous financial damage from pending lawsuit judgements...

  • slimboyfat

    Feel good video yes, it does its job I suppose.

    True bobcat the nice scenery was the best part of the video, and the pretty Blackfoot sister too.

  • iCeltic

    I'm surprised you were able to stomach watching it. I'll sometimes say the wife, or the boss, i must say I never mean it with any disrespect. I'll need to ask her if she doesn't like it.

  • slimboyfat

    Are you married again? Cool.

    I guess the phrase doesn't need to mean disrespect. I just don't like it. You never hear the opposite equivalent: the husband.

  • iCeltic

    I've been called worse than the husband haha!

    indeed, married in May, we live in Australia now (I thought I'd said to you)

  • ablebodiedman

    It is difficult to deny that the Watchtower Society outperforms by a quantum leap any other publishing companies ability to communicate on a global basis, in every nation and tongue.

    It has no competition in that regard which I am aware of.

    For this reason I am convinced that the Watchtower Society is also the frontrunner only candidate at present who could fulfill these prophetic scriptures:

    Revelation 13:7

    And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation

    Revelation 17:15

    And he says to me: "The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues.

    What other entity exists on this planet which is capable of deceiving people in every language?

    I can find no other!


  • slimboyfat

    That's great iCeltic, I remember you said you moved to Australia, but somehow I missed you also got married!

    An Australian girl or someone from Scotland?

  • slimboyfat

    Ablebodiedman, what's the point in them translating their message in all the languages of the earth if the message itself is pure tripe?

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