Who was the king that started judaism?
by Terry 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Who was the king that started judaism?
The 1st King of the Jews was Saul (the looney).
He tried to kill David, as you recall. David was in love with Saul's son, Jonathan.
David was a man after god's own heart. David was an adulterer who had a man killed in order to steal his wife.
David wanted to build a temple to Jehovah but he had blood on his hands. That was before Pfizer, apparently.
It is not a long period of time. Few people were literate. I am amazed at what iliterate ppl is not fair to compare it to our culture
Moses could be said to have started judaism. He wasn't a king. Abraham is considered the main patriarch. He didn't write anything, nor was he a king. He did not found any cities. He had 2 sons.
I will answer this in steps. The core traditions, rules, customs, laws of Judaism are in the torah or the first 5 books. One of the 5 is mostly devoted to priests and how to pay and supply them with food, gold, grain under the title of sacrifices. They of course only accepted the best and always took their cut because it was written that way in Leviticus.
The elites who invented the history of the Torah were educated people. Lay people didnt know how to read and write and it shows. Just look at the shear volume of text concerning the welfare of the priests and by extension the king. There was no difference between king and priests back then, they both ran the country.
The Torah, and its stories are there only as a foundation to support the king and priests.
Moses was a politican figure. Anybody who leads 3 million people is a powerful figure even if they arent official called king. The point of the Moses story is authority. Remember the sons of Korah (???) when they dared to challenge Moses, they were swallowed up by the earth.
Abraham is also presented as a very wealthy leader of sorts. he supposedly has 318 or 316 servants with him when he visits Pharoah. These figures are hardly the numbers associated with anyone but a king or similar. Sarah means princess which also seems appropriate. If he wasnt rich or powerful do you think he would have gotten an audience with Pharoah. Im not saying tha tit happened, but i am saying the message ancient peoples would have gathered from that part of the story is he was a king as great as Pharoah.
Then again ordinary people arent given enter countries, the gift of the holy land sounds a lot like a kingdom.
Then again he is presented as a king of sorts, after all how many people would have been able to get an audience with the pharoah if they were poor and dirty ? Even today the same pattern repeats, elites get to have dinner and lunches with preseidents and prime ministers all the time, however people like us almost never do.
In short the stories were invented to give authority and crediability to later authors. Josiah most likely created Deutermony to add and change new laws for his advantage. Interestingly Deut means "second law", so that par t is a give away. Just look at modern and ancient kings they always claim their family is special and that god some time far far long ago selected them and thats basically their foundation of thier authority.
nearly all religions are started or star a king.
Jesus wants to have an earthly kingdom, but in the meantime he has given authority to the pope or some other christian religion.
The jews are always waiting for the messiah to come back.
Buddha was a prince.
Islam was started by Mohammad, who was effectively a king. Shia and Sunni are two factions who cant agree who officially followed Mohammad.
King Henry 8 started his the C of E because he didnt like the Pope telling him what to do.
The head of the orthodox church was of course the czar back then.
There is no difference between religion and kingship. Religion is the bullshit side the king uses to scare and manipulate people. There is no difference, no matter where you go on earth in history or time.
For all intents an purposes, moses was a godking figure. He spoke directly to god and for god. I agree that they do try to portray abe w status equal to a king. His woman was fit for a king.
Were any not fan-fiction?
Getting back to the topic title: What exactly was going on after Jesus was put to death...?
Confusion. Small groups. Networks of small groups. Emergent leaders. Resort to text apologetics. Organization. Doctrinal enforcements. Government.
Thanks Terry, great read.