What exactly was going on after Jesus was put to death and no longer around?

by Terry 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mP


    Xianity did the same by adopting judaism, so it would gain some historical age. Theres little compatibility between the two. J is supposedly only for the jews, while xianity is the opposite. Many religious customs followed by the J are ignored by xianity via Paul's message. The jews are the chosen people in the ot, while the in the nt they are blamed for killing jesus. Even today jews cant accept jesus as the messiah of the OT, he just doesnt fit. Islam did the same when it hijacked the Ot and added its own twist, eg ishmael not isaac was the favoured son selected by god.

  • Jeffro


    What exactly was going on after Jesus was put to death...?

    Assuming he existed at all, probably not much. His friends and family would have been upset. That's about all. It wasn't until years later that the grandiose stories were made up about an archetypical god-man character.

  • Terry

    Movies today follow tropes* of movies previously made.

    The Golden Age of movies followed tropes of literature and plays.

    At the time of the birth of Christianity, the individuals who were giving birth were a mixed lot. Most were illiterate. Half were Jews and half were pagans.

    The bargain reached between them could not help but be a mixture.

    The so-called Doctrine of the Trinity is a compromise between monotheism and paganism, for example.

    God is simply labeled ONE god even though (mysteriously) He is three distinct personalities.

    Now THAT is a compromise hard won by many arguments, fist fights, banishments and sectarian manipulations!

    Man's first guess as to WHY was superstition.

    His next guess was Religious superstition.

    What followed was Philosophy.

    Religious Philosophy which produced Laws and Doctrines.

    When government combined with Religion in the Roman Empire it became a power to be reckoned with.


    There are many literary tropes that occur in fantasy fiction. Worldbuilding, in particular, has many common conventions as do, to a lesser extent, plot, and characterization.

    Many works of fantasy operate with these tropes, while others use them in a revisionist manner, making the tropes over for various reasons including; for comic effect, to create something fresh (a method that often generates new clichés ), and objections to the effects of old tropes. [ 1 ]

  • Tylinbrando


  • Satanus

    'Getting back to the topic title: What exactly was going on after Jesus was put to death...?'

    The theory mp brings is something that could have happened after jesus' death. So, it IS on topic. You're a snob.


  • truthhurts13

    What was going on after his death? NOTHING. He wasn't a real person. Research Astrotheology. Christianity is just Sun worship. And none of them even know it. It amazes me when people still believe biblical characters really lived. That book has MANY layers, and many "codes" hidden within. But a factual religious text, it is not

    Thats why its called the greatest story ever told......Not the greatest book of facts ever written

    Watch the movie KYMATICA, free on youtube, have your eyes opened a bit

  • mP


    Actually the bible is quite an easy read. The problem is people invent all sorts of crazy incomprehensable explainations because they cant accept the truth. Take J so called future prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem. they cant accept that he was predicting Vespasian and titus taking J back for their kingdom. He wasnt talking about now or any time after 70ad.

  • Terry

    satanus: The theory mp brings is something that could have happened after jesus' death. So, it IS on topic. You're a snob.

    And how, might I ask, did I specifically snub mp, kind sir?

  • Terry

    Happy Independence Day to all you non Brits.

    For the rest of you, speculate on why we insist on exploding millions of dollars worth of firecrackers

  • Satanus

    'Course, you don't need to comment, if you don't want to. However, you said 'getting back on topic'. That suggests that the idea i brought in from mp was off topic. It is an idea that, if it was legit, would fit right in there as an event after jesus' death.


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