All extrabiblical evidence was expunged by satan. The only reason that the miracles are recounted in the nt, is cuz god protected the nt;)
by punkofnice 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
All extrabiblical evidence was expunged by satan. The only reason that the miracles are recounted in the nt, is cuz god protected the nt;)
It totally does. It amazes me how you use one idea ("I think I hear Jesus so it totes matters!") and then dismiss that when it doesn't hold true with what you choose to believe ("Despite reality, it totes DOESN'T matter what we think!")
Ah... but I don't say that, EP. I don't say that I 'think' I hear Christ. I say that I DO hear Christ. Not because I am anything special, or trying to elevate myself... but only because it is true, and it bears witness to Him... that He is ALIVE, and speaking. Not distant; not an idea; but here and alive and with us.
It's amazing to watch the chopped logic pretzel your brain has to go through to justify the ridiculous things you say.
But the misunderstanding is yours... in what you think I say.
In any event, without the Bible, you would know nothing of Jesus.
You don't know that. You think it. But you have no evidence for it.
He has never spontaneoustly appeared to people living in isolation
You don't know that either.
, never written a flaming persistent message in the sky,
Gotta agree with you there.
never kept his word and returned.
Always keeps His word. Has not left anyone as orphans. Does come to us, speak to us, is alive.
That He has not yet returned in the same way that He left, to gather those who belong to Him to be changed to be like Him, and established His kingdom... means what? That he simply has not yet done this... but seeing as He has never lied as to anything that He said, He is not lying in that either.
You rely on the Bible when it suits you and treat it toilet paper when it doesn't.
I don't actually do either of these things.
He asked for substantial evidence outside of thje holy books showing their miracle to be true
Hearing Christ IS substantial... even if only to the one who hears Him.
You and perhaps also punk want evidence (proof) that one can corroborate without experiencing it themselves? Other people hearing Christ... or experiencing the Spirit... is not going to provide that. It is only going to serve as a witness to Christ, and a finger pointing to Christ.
But Punk asked if anyone knew of substantial evidence outside the bible of any miracle... and that is mine.
Ah... but I don't say that, EP.
Yes, you do. Denying reality is a particular trick voice hearers have down pat to use whatever they can to support their woo. You use the Bible when it suits you, you deny it when it suits you. when you like what the Bible says, that's the word of Christ. When it says something else, LYING SCRIBES!!!!! You use science when it suits you, you deny it when it suits you.
You say it doesn't matter what we think, then write a bunch talking about how I think wrongly and how what you think matters so much. Seriosuly, it's incredibly amusing to watch you contradict yourself over and over without an ouce of self awareness or irony.
At the end of the day, you believe something. You are desperately trying to defend that belief. You have (and will, I am sure) re-define words, make claims that cannot be proven, claims things are that are not (like trying to say an anecdote of hearing voices is substantial evidence of a miracle. LOL @ that one), give reasons why Jesus didn't do what he plainly said he would, etc.
Punk asked a question asking for evidence. You responded trying to claim that something IS evidence when that very thing is NEVER accepted as evidence for good reason. You have NO evidence to provide.
You keep going if you like EP. I have said what I intended to say.
What I have never said... is that that what I think matters so much. I also do not say that i 'think' Christ speaks to me. You say that about me, sure. But I do not.
But it is interesting that this is what you 'hear' and 'see' when you read my words.
On top of that though... even Christ did not do miracles in places there was so little faith.
In placebo tests any person reporting a "cure" had to believe they were actually taking a genuine medicine.
When the person taking the sugar pill did not believe or was not informed they did not report a cure.
I don’t dismiss them actually cofty I’ve just not heard of them. I agree with you that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence which is why I include the Turin shroud and my own and others cumulative and corresponding evidence into the mix. I would say that the first photo in history is extraordinary if nothing else even if you think it is a hoax. I don’t think that but I won’t waste my time and yours trying to convince you. I do admit that my own evidence only convinces me and you are not in a position to believe the veracity of my own subjective experience. However the difference between subjective and objective evidence is not what this thread was asking about.
I can testify to them, I was there! See if you beleive me you'll believe in miracles too. Silly rabbits.
However the difference between subjective and objective evidence is not what this thread was asking about. - Seraphim23
Yes it was...
I am not aware of any of the 'miracles' of the Bible or the Quran as having any substantial evidence outside of themselves to give credibility to the books themselves - Punkofnice
Substantial evidence is objective. Subjective evidence like Tammy's voices and your "own evidence" is nothing more than an anecdote.
You keep going if you like EP. I have said what I intended to say.
You haven't said anything useful, simply attempted to hijack the word "evidence".
What I have never said... is that that what I think matters so much.
You said, and I quote: Not that it matters what we think on that matter. Are you not included in we? Do you get special exception? Logic chopping again? If so, it keeps in line with you claiming to know which parts of the Bible are "right", using it and denying it as suits your need.
But it is interesting that this is what you 'hear' and 'see' when you read my words.
More interesting is how you deny your own words when it suits your pusuit of woo.
None, zilch.