What evidence is there for the miracles of the Bible OUTSIDE of the Bible?

by punkofnice 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EntirelyPossible

    you who demands evidence from others, and then balks when someone asks that you back up your own claims

    ha ha ha. I back up everything I say. The bullshitter tries her own tricks of calling bullshit, I see. Look at the thread you just posted on where you defending abolishning a child to the wilderness. You claim Jesus is the voice of God. Acts you agree with, like abolishing a child to the wilderness, you defend. Acts you do NOT like, such as cutting babies out of pregnant women's wombs, you deny as lies, even thought the same book calls them the words of God. Defend BS, accept BS, it's ALL based on which moral monstrosity you can live with and spin bullshit to support in your own head.

    You can't do any of my thinking for me

    Seriously. Someone should. If you lived as you preached (IOW, if you had the courage of your conviction and didn't wimp out) you would be in jail. The disconnect between what you preach and what you will commit to is staggeringly sad.

    I'm sure if I do this thing you claim so very often, that you can bring to mind at least ONE example.

    You do. Try reading your own posts regarding lying scribes. You use that excuse so often it covers at LEAST 3 examples. Rape, slavery, genocide, abortion. Ooops. Four. Wait, is Jesus the voice of god? Yes? No? Only when you say?

    Logic chopping denial....engage for your defense of BS, Tec. Explain to me why the Bible is both wrong and right, Jesus is the voice of God except when you don't like, why, being he voice of God, he is always right except when he's not because you know better, blah blah blah.

    Anyway, now that I've completely demonstrated your BS, I am off to bed. Sleep tight, say silly things while I am sleeping, I may care enough to remember to respond to your woo in the morning, if you're lucky.

  • tec

    ha ha ha. I back up everything I say. See the thread you just posted on where you defending abolishning a child to the wilderness. You claim Jesus is the voice of God. Acts you agree with, like abolishing a child to the wilderness, you defend. Acts you do NOT like, such as

    cutting babies out of pregnant women's wombs, you deny as lies, even thought the same book calls them the words of God. Defend BS, accept BS, it's ALL based on which moral monstrosity you can live with.

    Oh no, EP... this is not what you said. You have changed what you said... moved the goalposts. I have never said that I accept everything that is written in the bible. I have never said that the bible is inspired or inerrant... just the opposite. Because it is not in its entirety, inspired or inerrant.

    You said that I deny things that Christ said... if I do not like them.

    So still no example of that.

    Also, I said that Christ is the WORD of God. Not the voice of God. God does have a voice of His own... as it was not Christ who spoke and said, "This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased... listen to Him." That was God.

    If you lived as you preached (IOW, if you had the courage of your conviction and didn't wimp out) you would be in jail.

    You are saying many words EP, but you are not actually saying anything of merit.

    I follow Christ. What He teaches, what He says to do... love, forgive, show mercy. True that I do not give all that I should, and sometimes I refrain from speaking up when I should, and I have others sins.. these are my sins, and I blame no one but myself for them, and the consequences that I reap from them are my own fault . But there is nothing in any of that which would land me in jail. There is nothing in Christ's teachings that would harm others, or be criminal. At least not unless it becomes criminal to profess one's faith in Him.

    I would have thought that with all the conversations and debates and arguments that we have had over the past few years, that you would understand something about my faith, even if you do not agree with it. But you are showing that you do not.


    tammy (and I am off to bed, so anything further will have to wait until another time)

  • cofty
    What case? - Tammy

    The claim was that Sathya Sia Baba transported somebody instantly from India to their front room in Australia. Not that he gave them a vision of their home or that he caused them to visit home in a "spiritual" sense but that he instantly transported them physically over thousands of miles.

    There are numerous eyewitnesses to this miracle.

    You were faced with 3 options.

    1. Pretend that it is possible that the miracle actually happened. This would make you so gullible you would not be safe to be let out without supervision in case you come home with the title deeds to the Brooklyn Bridge.

    2. You could agree that the claim is contrary to reason, science and common sense. This would leave you with the problem of explaining why Sai Baba is a charlatan but Jesus wasn't.

    3. You could do what most believers do when faced with a difficult question - ignore it.

    You chose number 1. I rest my case that your judgement about reported miracles is not to be trusted.

    Well done on not choosing 3.

  • mP

    Is this the same guy with a 100 Rolls Royces ?

  • mP


    You deny trust in jesus about drinking poison and letting poisonous snakes bite you. I gave the scriptures just a few posts ago. So do you believe ?

  • punkofnice
    The claim was that Sathya Sia Baba transported somebody instantly from India to their front room in Australia.

    What a totally POINTLESS miracle this would have been.

    Not a cure for cancer.

    Not a cure for any disease.

    No prevention of all the things that would make a REAL difference to the world.

    Just something so utterly banal it defies speech let alone belief.

    I still have seen no material or verifiable evidence for miracles having happened. I see no evidence that the Jesus that we are lead to believe in ever existed. Where did god naff off to? Alcyone?

  • Qcmbr

    Every day modern medicine makes the supposed miracles of a supposed god look trivial. Jesus gives sight to one man - big whoop - if that's the calibre of miracle then not only is he arbitrary ( he didn't heal all blind people across the world, just one who was lucky enough to be there) but has been superseded by human ingenuity. We can fly, feed billions of people, talk over vast distances, resuscitate the dying, eradicate god's inflicted diseases (like polio) , predict natural disasters with far greater accuracy than biblical generational vagaries ( and more importantly mitigate them) and of course restore the sight of many blind people. Remind me why we need this guy?

  • punkofnice

    Qcmbr -

    Remind me why we need this guy?

    Because he makes us feel all fuzzy and cozy. We can rely on him and therefore abdicate from any responsibility to get off our bottoms and do anything really useful for humanity.

    Shame innit!? All that waste of time and energy chasing after dust.

  • iCeltic

    It seems to me that the answer to your original question mate is none, there is none whatsoever.

  • mP

    This guy must be the returned Jesus.


    When Ichadon was executed on the 15th day of the 9th month in 527, his prophecy was fulfilled; the earth shook, the sun was darkened, beautiful flowers rained from the sky, his severed head flew to the sacred Geumgang mountains, and milk instead of blood sprayed 100 feet in the air from his beheaded corpse. The omen was accepted by the opposing court officials as a manifestation of heaven's approval, and Buddhism was made the state religion in 527 CE. [10]

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