Why does god kill children?

by Comatose 269 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Comatose

    Well first you have to know my lord like I do, then when he speaks you will hear him.

  • iCeltic

    I kinda get what you are saying Tec but doesn't that mean that you think a particular book is inspired because it says so? As in, your explanation seems to me to suggest that because a writer says he was in spirit then that must be inspired? What if that was added by a lying scribe? What if another book doesn't say in was written in spirit but it was, etc?

    im not nit picking, I think it's important to have answers to these questions. Looking to Christ in truth doesn't cut it for me, I may as well have stayed a jw if I didn't want real answers.

  • Comatose

    Tammy I don't see Jesus out walking the earth right now. I haven't heard of any broadcasts he has made.

    So if we don't need the bible anymore then how are you hearing him? Do you understand most people in the world and most people in your church do not hear Christ? They don't see a living Christ.

  • tec
    I kinda get what you are saying Tec but doesn't that mean that you think a particular book is inspired because it says so? As in, your explanation seems tome to sugest that because a writer says that he was in the spirit then that must be inspired.

    I think that is a good place to start at least.

    It does not HAVE to mean that it is true, but it is at least meant to be inspired, if the prophet has written... in the spirit, from being in the spirit. Not because he says, 'hey this is inspired'... but because he has written of what he received while in the spirit.

    What if that was added by a lying scribe?

    I would ask Christ.

    I have not heard from Him that this has happened with anything that we have written in the bible, as to someone lying and saying that they were in the spirit when they were not.

    What if another book doesn't say in was written in spirit but it was, etc?

    Again, I would ask... and/or listen for my Lord to answer me. If He does not, or I have not heard or understood Him, then I would simply set it aside until such a time as He deems right for me to know.

    However, in this case, as I was thinking about what books are inspired, He did remind me of the psalms that David wrote. I may have heard that somewhere before, but I did not know it until He reminded me.

    im not nit picking, I think it's important to have answers to these questions.

    No worries at all. I didn't think you were nit picking.

    Looking to Christ in truth doesn't cut it for me, I may as well have stayed a jw if I didn't want real answers.

    I think I understand what you are saying here... but the thing is, the real answers come from Christ. The rest of them are just from man either doing his best to understand on his own, by his own reasoning, and from some men who wish to exploit the bible and people and faith to their own advantage.

    I hope that you don't mind if I make a suggestion?

    If you want the truth but cannot yet go to Christ in spirit (though you can ALWAYS ask Him in faith, for ears to hear, and for understanding, and then put faith in Him that He will answer you... perhaps not on your timeline, but He will answer)... then look first and foremost to what Christ is written to have said. Since Christ is the one to whom we must go for life... and to whom we must listen for truth... then start with Him.

    Let Christ be the 'glasses' that you wear, when you seek to understand other things written about God. So that you can see God, through Christ.

    Peace to you!


  • iCeltic

    Tammy, I spent years praying and I can honestly say that I never once 'felt' anything. And I would have to say that I was an honest searcher.

    I personally don't think it's unreasonable that if there is a Christ that he just reveals himself, in person. Not with the thread of suffering and death if we don't 'just believe'.

    im sure in your life it means the world to you feeling as you do but for me, just going to Christ doesn't even begin to make sense.

    So basically the long and short of it is, for you, you feel that the way you know if something is inspired or not is that you ask Jesus? And without sounding flippant, does he say 'hi Tammy, these are the ones to put your faith in but these books of the bible aren't worth your time' ?

    again, I don't think it's unreasonable, considering the bible claims our lives are at stake and those of our children and families etc, to have some real evidence. Reveal himself. It's not showing a lack of faith, it's using the brain in our heads to reason hings out that make sense. In my view.

  • tec

    Tammy I don't see Jesus out walking the earth right now. I haven't heard of any broadcasts he has made.
    So if we don't need the bible anymore then how are you hearing him?

    Most people do need the bible... even if just for a time, to point us to Christ, so that we might learn to walk by faith... or at the least have just enough love and faith to ASK for ears that hear, to knock and seek, and know the door will be opened. Most people need to SEE something, before they can put their faith in that something.

    I hear Him within me. As He is recorded to have said (and this is so that you can SEE what i am sharing):

    "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teachings. My father will love him, and we will come and make our home with them."

    "The Kingdom of heaven is within you."

    "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am IN you."

    There is also this verse which some might be able to SEE what has been shared here regarding seeing Christ, meaning to see God.

    John 14:7 "If you really know me, you will know my father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him."

    (from now on, they know his father... meaning from that point on, as in they did not know Him BEFORE Christ revealed His Father to them, never mind that they too had the scriptures to learn from)

    And contrast to that verse, Christ speaking to the pharisees:

    John 8:19

    Then they asked him, "Where is your father?" "You do not know me or my Father," Jesus replied. "If you knew me, you would know my Father also."



  • humbled

    As so many have validly pointed out, the bible is neither a moral compass nor a history of times past. It tells stories that attribute a lot of actions and motives to a divine being.

    It isn't possible to believe these stories just as they are presented.

    But that doesn't mean that there is no "something" out there. It doesn't mean that at all.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    The thing is ICeltic... none of that matters if we are looking at Christ for Truth. We do not need to keep looking backward... we need only look at HIM.


    Actually it matters a lot if you claim to be a Christian and have personal conversations with Jesus.

    Tec, you say Moses was a prophet and therefore was inspired/ "in spirit". Why then do you take issue with what this prophet recorded in the Pentateuch? Genesis (which includes the story of Abraham attempting to kill Isaac at god's order) is in the Pentateuch but you've already said that it's unreliable/misinterpretted/didn't happen as recorded. The Pentateuch also includes stories of god-sanctioned genocide, incest, murder, children being killed, etc., all done by god's approved servants, like Moses. But you dismiss it all by saying "god would never tell someone to murder".

    Your self-contradictory statements undermine any arguments and claims you make. If Moses is an inspired prophet as you claim, how then can you dismiss what he wrote? If he too is unreliable/dishonest, despite being an inspired prophet, then you have no basis for believing even one word in the Bible.

    Furthermore, the Bible itself says The Law is "a tutor (teacher) leading to Christ". And, the OT/Torah contains at least 365 prophecies pointing to Christ. So, Tammy, if you deny the veracity of inspired scripture even a little, you also nullify what it says about "your Lord Jesus",

    This goes back to what I've said numerous times: you cherry-pick the Bible to make it say whatever you personally want it to say. The confusion your answers elicit is not the fault of those reading your answers- it lies squarely with the source of those answers.

    I know you don't like 2 Timothy 3:16, which I've quoted to you and you've rationalized away, but that verse says "all scripture is inspired", "scripture" being the OT/Torah. For you to deny that text is to deny the Bible. It didn't qualify that verse by saying some of the OT is inspired and some wasn't. All means all. Again you interject your personal opinions to make the Bible say what you want it to say, which means denying the parts you can't explain with rational, moral explanations and evidence.

    Also did not "your Lord Jesus" promise that he would guide his disciples until he returned? Did he not say he was the Leader of the Christian Congregation? That means that 2 Timothy 3:16 was written under Jesus' guidance and approved by him. If you are going to deny the truthfullness of that verse, then you are also denying Jesus.

    You see what happens when you start undermining your own belief system? You nullify the beliefs you hold the dearest.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    It does not HAVE to mean that it is true, but it is at least meant to be inspired, if the prophet has written... in the spirit, from being in the spirit.


    You're also bogged down in semantics. Look up the definition of "inspired". It doesn't mean what you think it means.

    By your statement above, am I to conclude that a prophet can be "in spirit"/inspired and what he writes still is not necessarily true? If something is not true, it's a lie. If god inspires a prophet, and it's a lie, then you have no basis for accepting one word of the Bible as honest, including what it says about Jesus.

    This means god is a liar, and you've already stated several times Jesus perfectly reflects god.

    You might want to think about the position your silly arguments have put you in, tec.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    He [god] certainly does not tell anyone to kill another person - Tammy

    Cofty asked you to explain the story of Abraham in light of your statement above.

    Are you going to do that?

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