Myelaine god didn't destroy all the people! They kept the young virgins!!! God works funny doesn't he?
Why does god kill children?
by Comatose 269 Replies latest watchtower bible
He saw that these people were debased and that allowed to live their children would be the same...learning from their familial environment
And this included infants as well, correct? Because a 2 month old infant most likely had already picked up familial bad habits and thus needed destroying.
The animals needed to be destroyed for the same reason? They watched humans doing bad things and no doubt woud've continued the tradition also?
human "toleration" can't even "see" tomorrow.
Big fan of The Holocaust and The Crusades then, yes?
David sins with Bathsheeba, god kills the baby as punishment. In fact, the bible he struck it a blow and that it suffered for a week prior to dying. WT says this was a loving thing to do since David was worthy of death, lovingly god spared him. Screw the child though.
WT even went so far as to say that David and Bathsheba no special right to the child, and because of sin, the child had no special right to life, either, and thus God could justly kill the about sick...since that reasoning could be used to kill practically anyone.
Why does he do it? He's got some anger issues, I would guess. If you look at it, he does an awful lot of murder, genocide, more murder, more genocide, mass near-extinction-level event, more murder, then a soon-to-come unequaled mass murder that will make Hitler look like Mother Theresa.
Maybe he's just looking forward to a number of Awkward Resurrection Moments. Hey David! Here's Uriah! Better make sure he doesn't read 2 Samuel...this time without arranging his death, will ya? I'm assuming Lot sobered up enough to figure out what his daughters did to him, but that's still going to be awkward...[Lot reading Genesis] "Oh, man, you mean, like, EVERYBODY knows about this?"
god didn't destroy all the people! They kept the young virgins!!!
It's common knowledge that cute, nubile young virgins do not pick up their family's bad habits.
I guess a 2 year old innocent boy has an evil heart, but the firm young pretty virgin just blossoming into womanhood doesn't. Makes sense. That's not perverted at all. Kill all your family even infant siblings then be made your killers young concubine plaything.
Kill all your family even infant siblings then be made your killers young concubine plaything.
I would imagine this didn't always turn out too well...don't drink any warm milk they give you, I'll tell you that much...
The firstborn of the Egyptians cannot be justified with your reasoning either myelaine. That was just a horrible punishment. Thousands of innocent children dead because god was fighting with Pharoah.
What reason would any of you have for "tolerating" a group of people that would give their children to the fire?
myelaine fails to see the evil irony in her god's actions: He is offended by people who kill their own children, so he orders a genocide which includes the order to....kill the children!
You see, in God's thinking, it apparently isn't so much children being murdered that bothers Him, but it's more about who is doing the murdering that's the real issue.
I don't know why God asked that the livestock be killed too but He did want all traces of groups removed and all traces would mean livestock. It would also mean don't take any of their possessions for yourself either. He was serious about that too.
Isn't it possible that if the infant children were spared that they might have turned on the Israelites when they were adult? If they didn't understand God's justification in destroying their group, loyalty to their family might be reason enough for revenge, even given that their family might have sacrificed them.
Abraham is one person that was willing to "do it" because everyone else was. It makes sense that child sacrifice was common among other people groups and that is why he went so far as to try to sacrifice issac. He was ready to go along with what everyone else was doing. Did God see that unlike others his heart wasn't conditioned to do it willingly? Maybe and that is why God told him to go away from the people he resided by. Abraham wasn't like everyone else...he didn't have "bloodlust" I don't think God does either, He can see the heart of a people and what they are destined to do...He wanted to prevent harm by having the Israelites be proactive. He wants nothing less now...the gospel is proactive, He knows who the enemy is and He wants to gather to Himself those who will " believe the report".
I wonder if any of you would stand up and DO something proactive to stave off foreseeable horrors or would you "tolerate" it?
love michelle
I don't know why God asked that the livestock be killed too but He did want all traces of groups removed and all traces would mean livestock.
The he failed. He forgot pets. And we know about a lot of these people from archeology. Plenty of traces were left behind.
I wonder if any of you would stand up and DO something proactive to stave off foreseeable horrors or would you "tolerate" it?
Do you think we should kill children of Nazi's and KKK members? If not, why are you not up to God's standards? Children of divorce or drug abusers? All groups more likely to have issues and do something naughty.
Do you advocate killing them?