If a tree falls in a forest when there’s no one around,
does it make a sound...
when it hits the ground?
Just kidding.
That’s not the philosophical rant I was hoping to make. Actually, I was thinking of something closer to home—all of our homes. And it has nothing to do with trees. It’s about adultery.
For a very long time I’ve been very philosophical about the sex act. Generally speaking, it’s not too different from blowing your nose, feeling hungry, sneezing, boo-booing (“defecating” for the intellectual crowd), and any other bodily function you can name. It’s what humans do. ALL humans, if they are “normal.”
Now, with this in mind, mix marriage into this simple equation, marriage being a man-made, life-long commitment to JUST ONE person of the other sex. Emphasis on “man-made.”
I’ve found that marriage not only limits your activities but it limits with whom you engage in those activities. For example:
Want to go to a movie with a person of the opposite sex? Gotta be with your marriage mate (unless it’s with your buds of the same sex).
Want to go to breakfast on a Saturday morning with a person of the opposite sex? Has to be the mate.
Want to sit at home on a Saturday night and have a nice, provocative conversation about Afghanistan or the price of rice in China (neither of which happens to be your mate’s favorite subjects)? Sorry. Somewhere in there, there better be the mate.
Get my point? If you want to do something, anything, with a person of the opposite sex, it has to be the same person. All the time. I allege that no one - no male, no female - is THAT interesting. So, what should I do? Deny myself the privilege of talking about Afghanistan?
What I figured out long time ago is that I like different people for different reasons. Some friends of mine like politics – some don’t; some like movies the movies I like – some don’t; some like talking about the bible/religion/spirituality – some don’t; etc. But none of them like all of it quite like I do, least of all my wife.
Which brings me to the sex thing. Xena made me start thinking about this again when she started her “JWs and Marriage” thread and then Hyghlandyr said what he said about divorce. I’ve felt all along that the "till death do us part" marital commitment was crafted as a scam to keep people together for the sake of kids that were born to the union. If there are no kids, all bets are off.
See... it’s like this (cutting to the chase). My wife is very attractive. Tell you the truth, she’s a babe. Body... face... style... the works. Okay, so call me a dog, but that’s one of the reasons I got attracted to her in the first place. It would not surprise me to know that dudes find her attractive and hit on her all the time. Know what? It doesn’t bother me. I know where she sleeps every night.
But what if she stumbled? Messed up? Did the deed with some joker she works w/ or met at the grocery store? How would I feel then?
I can tell you – as long as she was discreet and didn’t bring home some god-awful disease, it wouldn’t devastate me. I can say that because the first time I was married—for 13 yrs—the woman cheated on me at least once (and probably more) and I took it in stride – didn’t phase me bit. I figured: nobody, and I mean nobody, likes the same ANYTHING all the time.
We live for something different. Something new. Being married, having sex, with the same person (and only THAT person) for fifty years, is absurd.