There might be a place for experiences with other religions. For instance, you might have someone leaving the washtowel and going into a Catholic church for the very first time. What was it like? Someone else might find another denomination. What was it like? Was it similar to the witlesses though a bit milder, or more liberal? You might also entertain other platforms--Judaism, Islam, the Far Eastern religions, paganism, spiritual Satanism, LaVeyan Satanism, and so on. What were the experiences of those who tried one, or several, of the above? This might give people more information about what else is out there, so they can come to better decisions and report what they experience there.
And, bear in mind that religion is by nature a heated topic. They were designed that way on purpose, especially the Abrahamic ones, to prevent people from even looking outside them for answers. You are bound to get people that have experiences that are totally opposite from what was reported--or even alter their own viewpoint in time. Keeping this kind of discussion within its section helps prevent the kind of whole-board spamming that sometimes happens with this topic. Also, a tight lid must be maintained against the "My religion is the only right one, and everyone else can kiss my axx" type of discussions that turn into fights. Bear in mind that being an idiot is everyone's right--and so is having a viewpoint that differs from everyone else's. This would go as much for atheists that think all religion is hogwash and won't let anyone else rationally discuss their viewpoints as for Christians that think the pagan religions, Islam, or atheism are evil.
Within this section, people could also develop alternative religious platforms. While proselytizing is taboo, people could discuss various forms of "spiritism" freely. Just as some religions have their "Hail Mary's" and "Our Father's", others have mantras. Someone might try "Ohm"; others might get better results with "Aum" or some other variant. One person might discuss yoga; someone else might just try the physical yoga without the mental preparation or modify it and discuss the results. We might all benefit from that. It might get some hard-core Christians to "try" something without having to commit to a whole program, or it might create a merger between science and religion that those who will not see beyond Abrahamic religions could never see. And best of all, those who are going to remain Catholic without giving anything else a chance have that right, since they can simply bypass the whole section if they choose.