Gee, I feel so loved by all you guys. I actually do like men DJS.
I am dying to meet villagegirl and we could go out for a beer with Cofty.
I also think new avatars woud be great. Cartoony, but a little more humanoid and less monstery. Or even animals or flowers.
Simon, I have no desire to turn the site into a Christian site. Its an ex-jehovah's Witness site. And it seems to attract a lot of JW's still attending meetings and searching for a way out.
Simon said: " which dumfounds theists who claim something hasn't been proven" and " Just being insulting during a civilised discussion is rude"
Is calling me dumfounded, rude ? Let me see there is people who think, and then Theists ? Dumfounded at simple science ? Nah that can't be construed as rude can it ? I see the problem, the former poster, talked about science, and she was a Theist ? and therefore, she should have been "dumbfounded" and frightened by science ? And you see similar evil traits in me ?
Have I been rude? Can you enlighten me or when and where I was rude ? I wasted years on a dumb religion, so how can I know that and think I had or have anything all figured out ? I don't. I confess, I like science. I subscribe to Scientific American, a great journal.
Simon you have my personal email: to which is attached my real name, thats what I meant.